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Bangkok 24 h

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from the book DESTINATION DESIRABLE – Chapter 2 –Bangkok 24 h

Twenty-four hours later, including an almost twelve-hour flight, they already spent the first impressive hours in Bangkok. They had kicked off the afternoon in the infinity pool surrounded by floating candles, champagne, and a sweeping view over Bangkok.

In the evening, they followed the invitation by the cruise organiser at the Bangkok welcome dinner, which would take place at the glasshouse with Cantonese culinary specialities. They would also meet some more guests who would join the cruise.

Ready for the welcome dinner, Paula and Walt walk down the hall. The hotel lounge with an international flair was busy. Like Bangkok itself, the city contrasts with action at every turn. From glamorous couples, tourists to global and local business people, others arrive to spend unforgettable days in extravagant luxury. While treating themselves in luxury malls, strolling through a sea of boutiques and markets, some prefer exploring local areas. From the marvel of gleaming temples, bustling Chinatown to visiting floating markets by boat and, of course, its’s famous nightlife with bars, nightclubs, lounges and exotic red-light shows, Bangkok never fails to amaze.

Also, Thailand offers excellent business opportunities for solid export and import companies and a rising start-up seen such as for rice, sugar, maise, rubber to electrical machinery, mineral fuels the city was also a great place for discussing business.

The glass house was decorated in a modern, clean chic style with huge glass fronts, an indoor garden and a water lane in the middle that split the restaurant into two main seating areas, one including a bar, and which were connected by a bridge. The waiter crossed the bridge and Paula and Walt followed towards the welcome group’s meeting point at the bar. A tall, woman with a brunette Brigitte Bardot inspired shag, dressed in a navy blue, floral, satin wrap dress turned around and welcomed the couple and introduced herself as Héloïse Lilou, a French actress better known as Lulu.

“Life is beautiful, isn’t it?” She asked with a charming smile pointing towards the indoor garden and the scenery that was behind the huge glass front, the flickering city lights fusing fairy-tale romance and cosmopolitan chic.

“Wow, indeed, it is!” Walt was astonished by the outlook, not just the beautiful brunette woman but also by the scenery she was pointing. He’s never seen such a skyline before.

“So impressive, spectacular!” Paula was standing there with her mobile in her hand, trying to capture the breath-taking moment with her camera.

The three were having their welcome cocktail while watching the astonishing scenery when another person, a mid-thirty something handsome guy with an outdated, medium-long hairstyle from the late 80s and probably a problematic past, joined the group. He introduced himself as Danny, a previous celebrity from London who had reached fame through a national casting show and made the headlines ever since. No matter what he managed to do, if it was a car accident into a sausage van, a new business in solar energy that had managed to make him millions, the media always knew how to tear him to pieces. Finally, he explained that he wanted to join the cruise to get away from it all and that he planned to spend a few months in a retreat after the cruise.

Paula and Walt agreed about how cruel the media sometimes could be, and they remembered some of the headlines about Danny.

A member of the crew, Sue, who would be the tour guide, joined the group, and they moved over to their table. The second round of aperitifs was served. Each member gave a short introduction and their motivation to participate the cruise. Almost everyone was at a cross-road. Lulu had just left her family, she had lived with her partner and their kids, who by now grown-up adults were going their own way. At the same time, her partner had found new adventures with some younger women. She needed a change of scenery. She explained she also had been offered a new role and wanted to take the time to prepare for the role.

Walt was impressed and he remembered some movies decades ago in which Lulu had played. “This sounds almost like one of the stories you played in the early eighties, didn’t you?” he asked. “What was the name of the movie “Celebration”, wasn’t it, the guy cheating on his wife, where you played the daughter who fell in love with this musician guy.”

“Oh, yes, this is ages ago. You remember that movie?” Lulu smiled. “This was the beginning of it all, one of the first movies that hit the box offices. In the movie, I played the loving couple with Jules and my film father was cheating and left the family.”

“I loved this movie!” Paula laughed. “This was the love story of the year. I remember at school. Every girl was in love with this guy, your film partner, Jules.”

Everyone laughed. “Oh, yeah, this was a time.”

“Guess I missed it.” Danny joined in. “But I have seen the movie, too. The story was incredible. You guys were so funny. I loved the movie, too.”

“This wasn’t just a love story in the movies, wasn’t it? So, you guys were together in real life, too?” Danny asked.

“Yeah, that’s true. I remember when we were at the Cannes Film Festival, together with where we got an award for the movie.” Lulu was reminiscing, but she did not want to go down memory lane right now.

“Well, this was a time, and shortly after, we broke up.”

Luckily, they were interrupted by a new member who would join the cruise, Nia. She was a blogger and would report about the cruise. She was also working on an environmental project collaborating with the cruise and other travel companies. The ” ClickATree ” project designed for tourists would allow each tourist to make an ecological impact. When booking the tour, they also provide a share to plant a tree. Participants could decide that a percentage of the travel price was added on top, covering costs to plant trees to create nature reservoirs within the region they travelled. Nia was also looking for further co-operations, and she would meet a new famous influencer from Bangkok who would help promote the campaign.

Impressed by the project, Walt supported the idea, making an environmental impact while travelling, and so was the rest of the group attracted to that idea. Finally, the dessert was served, a bomb of sweet creations from juicy mango, rice hearts, coconut crepe, just anything one could imagine, to indulge in, and satisfy one’s sweet tooth. The group decided to end the day in the hotel’s night club, known for its charming, diverse nightlife scene, awesome laser shows, and one of the world’s best clubs.

For the next day, Paula and Walt had booked a sightseeing tour through Bangkok while the three other cruise members, Danny, Lulu and Nia, had decided to take a local tour guide and explore the city by a TukTuk. Nia originally was supposed to meet the influencer to discuss their campaign, but the influencer cancelled the meeting at shorthand. The influencer was on a trip, and they rescheduled an appointment for a date after the cruise. Nia had planned two more days after the cruise before returning to London.


The views were impressive breath-taking on the 78th floor along the Mahanakhon Skywalk, standing on the glass tray at the height of 310 meters. Paula and Walt took some photographs and enjoyed the birds-eye view of the beautiful skyline below them. They then went on for a snack at the King Power Mahanakhon Sky Lounge, which offered a true escape from the busy city below before moving on back to the hustle of city life to the Damnoen Saduak Floating Market.

Sitting in a long crowded boat, they passed by the ships where people sold food, fresh vegetables, fruits, one of the oldest traditional ways of selling goods to customers. Paula felt like in a dream where she was living in a different century when sitting in such a boat would have been luxury. Floating through such dreamy scenery, through a maze of canals, the so-called “Khlongs”, and a sea of colourful fruits and vegetables, the contrasts of the city between ultimate modern skyscrapers, latest technologies and old traditions were hard to grasp. As major tourism attractions, such markets, of course, contributed well to Thailand’s tourism industry, one of the country’s dominant income sources.


Danny, Lulu, and Nia had followed the hotel’s recommendation and took their sightseeing trip via the traditional three-wheel vehicle; well, their vehicle was a more modern version of a motorised Tuk-tuk. A private tour with stops that also shows some hidden gems and the everyday life of Bangkok apart from typical tourist attractions.

Their first stop provided a stunning view of Wat Traimit; the temple is known for housing the 5.5 tonnes seating Buddha statue, a gold sculpture dating back to the 13th century before they headed to the temple itself.

Their ride continued to the market in Chinatown, a food hub packed with stalls, eateries, shops, and Chinese temples. They then crossed the Memorial Bridge over the Chao Phraya River, taking a lunch break. Next, they aimed for Wat Pho, a Buddhist temple complex famous for its reclining Buddha. A temple, also known as the birthplace of Thai massage.

Back on the Tuk-tuk, they followed along busy streets to reach the Golden Mount (Wat Saket), a man-made hill topped with a gold stupa. Again, a place with phenomenal outlook where they enjoyed a 360-degree view of Bangkok.

Eventually, they had taken a boat ride from Phan Pa Klong, enjoying scenes of local life along the canals. Their tour ended with a drink near the hotel. The group enjoyed a late afternoon in a small outdoor bar, and their tour guide told some anecdotes and what spots to avoid in Bangkok. He also strongly recommended taking the hotel shuttle to the port instead of a regular taxi. Bangkok’s taxi drivers were well known for inflated prices, overcharging their guests by not turning on the taximeter or taking unique routes that ended the double duration and, with this, the doubled price. The guide also mentioned the Entertainment shows, go-go bars and ping-pong shows in some infamous districts in Bangkok, Phuket and Pattaya. People would be scammed into the upper floor of the bar and not be allowed to leave until they paid a massive amount of a bill.

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Leaving London

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from the book DESTINATION DESIRABLE – Chapter 1 – Leaving London

Paula was looking at the picture displaying her and her boyfriend Walt. The afternoon at a friend’s home in Beirut in 2015 when a friend took a photograph, the weekend they had met for the first time. Paula was working as Social Worker in the Lebanon, and Walt worked on a Freedom project for the UN as Human Rights Officer. Both worked for three years on the same mission, and they shared the same love, Asian food. That’s how they had met in an Asian food store in Beirut.

In 2018 Paula was pregnant at the time, they had decided to move back to London, but later on, she had a miscarriage.

Paula now wasn’t sure if she would want another child. She had an offer for a new project, again in Lebanon. In contrast, Walt wanted to stay in England and hung on to family planning. He also was about signing a new contract for an environmental project with an office in London.

Standing at a crossroads, both had agreed to take a holiday to get a clear mind before deciding.

So, Paula had just booked an exclusive cruise around the Gulf of Thailand with the Seven Seas Explorers on the Star Clipper.

A trip that would start in Bangkok move on to Thailand, along Port Klang in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Singapore to Jakarta, Java, Indonesia, with the final destination in Bali. They would spend the weekend before in Bangkok and with an extension week in Bali, where they would enjoy a week of chilled Island and beach life to allow their souls to recharge.

Paula was packing, she had travelled to many countries so far, but it had often included moving. So, packing for a simple three weeks holiday was different this time. But she was ready, and in the evening, they would depart.

Walt had arrived. He was arranging the last bits still on the phone, making arrangements about the ongoing work offer. The taxi was already waiting outside, and finally, he made it at 7:30 pm. They were ready, together on the way to the airport.

“You remember the last time we sat together in a cab?” Paula asked. Walt was looking deep into her eyes. He did indeed, and it hadn’t been a fun ride.

They had been on their way to the Beirut airport as Walt had a trip to Kabul and Paula wanted to accompany him. As they travelled through the back streets, bullets smashed against the car’s windows. A sniper had had his focus on them. They had sat in a bulletproof vehicle, but they were aware that the number of shots the car could take before the glass would break was limited. One of Walt’s experiences led to the decision to move back to England.

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Surprise, surprise!

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from the book i-Land – A double Irish and a Dutch – Chapter 3 – Escape to Cork

Tonight, she couldn’t care less; she was ready, set to party and joined Harry, whose daughter and boyfriend had meanwhile arrived and who were already dancing on the dance floor. The music was playing and she felt like love was in the air. Harry, looking at Avoka, had seen her smile on her face while she was texting, was now jeering at her.

“Who was it, the sexy ghost lover or the hot rugby player?” Avoka looked up with a grin.

“Both.” Harry said, “Well, what a great combination; maybe I should also get a ghost dancer for the nights my girlfriend is off.”

Avoka giggled, “Well, the ghost is not always appearing at exact the moment you wish.”

Harry replied, “Oh, damn, if they both appear at the same time, that’s trouble, of course.”

Avoka said, “Well, with a Whatsapp ghost it’s good to handle.”

They all laughed out loud. Avoka said, “Maybe I should have another drink; let’s see who else appears then.”

She wasn’t finished with her sentence and this drunk girl from the Fruit of the Loom “farm”, the one Avoka once had worked with on the team, is standing right in front of her.

“What are you doing here? I thought you were gone.”

Avoka said, “Does it look like I’m gone? Maybe you are seeing a ghost “buh”. Or are you so drunk that you don’t really know who is standing in front of you.”

A voice behind the girl appeared. “Oh, my God!” Avoka was thinking, the other asshole, the same duo, just like last night’s party. Would they stay here?  That would ruin the whole night. But he was shouting after the drunk girl that she should come now, they had to go to another party. The drunk girl actually tried to make her way to the shouting guy but somehow missing the door, she walked the wrong way. The exit was on the other side or was she thinking she could walk through a glass wall? Both were already on an alcohol level that made it damn hard to understand what they were saying, and one was wondering how they even could still stand or walk. But Avoka just felt lucky that they both made a U-turn and found their way through the crowd and out of the bar. She was feeling relieved when in a blink of her eye, at the same moment, someone entered the door–someone who looked quite familiar. This someone, looking damn good, was moving toward her; it was Ian.

Avoka was surprised; that was the last thing she had expected, him coming here to Cork. He walked through the crowd then stopped in front of her with a cheeky smile. She smiled at him, looking into his eyes, asking, “Did you get lost on the way from London to Dublin?”

He laughed. “I needed an emergency landing, well, I heard there was a party in Cork tonight with some special guests which could be worthwhile.”

Avoka winked. “Oh, something could be worthwhile, hey?”

He smiled. “Yes, something very worthwhile, and I just couldn’t resist taking that Cork flight.” 

He opened his arms and wrapped them around her shoulders, giving her a long kiss. It was some time ago she had last been together with him but there was no better place to be right now than in his arms. Her hands around his neck, she is whispering, “I see, yes, this could be something very worthwhile.”

And they kiss again in the middle of the dance floor. The music is playing Wicked Wonderland.

A half hour later they all sit at the river window, having a good time, drinking champagne, and whisky, sharing old stories and fresh ideas how Avoka can overcome her job dilemma. Harry is creating ideas how they also can fight back the Fruit of the Loom giant who had played this sneaky game on her by pretending her figures weren’t good enough and making her sign this additional paper and pressuring her with legal consequences that could lead to dismissal. Always with this “could” and “we’ll give you another chance” thing. But Harry already knew how they would just play with those statistical figures, as he had seen and experienced it himself how quick and easy they were about dispersing the figures just as it suited them and how the manager would make manual adjustments. So, neither of those employees who were shown how bad their results were nor the employees who always had the continuously consistent 90% rate over months were reliable. Also, they were using more than two different systems that always showed huge discrepancies in their metrics. He was quite good friends, or kind of, with one of the Managers, who sometimes told him on that after-work drinks in the Pub what jobs he had to do, so he knew how they manipulated things.

Harry had heard a lot and he knew how unfairly this was played and that they had done that just to have the possibility to put pressure on Avoka whenever they needed to. Harry was saying, “If there was anything about the job you do that would be really bad or not good enough, you were quicker gone than you came. They employ almost 150 new people every month. Especially while you are on probation period there wasn’t any need to keep someone if the person wouldn’t do a good job. They love doing this; they played the same on a guy in my team and this went on and on they would always make him sign some additional paper to give themselves the opportunity of dismissal, mostly for having the freedom to put pressure on the people whenever they liked to or to have a ‘buh-man’ whenever they need one.”

On one side Harry liked working for that giant, as he was interested in their whole business construct, but the way they played those games on employees was also against his work ethics and he assured Avoka he would help her to fight back. Avoka had seen a lawyer but she had told her that there were not many chances, to prove that the figures had been manipulated. So Avoka simply had looked for another job and had than quit, but was again in the same situation in the new company who had a similar work style. Harry gave in.  “Yes, I know that they love playing this on you; you are too much for them.”

They all laughed. Most people said exactly the contrary and would say, “Yeah, there must be something that you do that annoys them that they all act that way.”

But Harry added, “Yes, in my company in Germany I had experienced the same thing. There was one girl, more that kind of beauty if you know what I mean, keen, quiet, resourceful, who really brought in good ideas. One would think that she would be popular with those others and that this would improve the work productivity and effectiveness. But they all tried to put her down, spreading lies, both men and woman—in, particular one, who really was good and you would think he is not in need of acting like that. But wrong. He saw her as too much competition. And in your present job where you are, Avoka, with those young guys, especially with such a strong cultural macho background like Latin and Indian, you as a woman–you think they like that?”

Again, the whole corner table laughed. Harry’s daughter threw in. “Well, Honey, they are not against you, they are for themselves. So, you better fight for yourself, too.” She shows a bittersweet smile, flashing her white teeth, then adding, “We’ll find a way to turn that around. On both companies, we’ll turn that bullying into gold. My boyfriend’s father is a lawyer who works in a well-known law company who has dealt with those companies before. I’ll talk to him to make an appointment for you.”

Everyone supported this idea and they kept on making plans on how to fight those sneaky giants back. Harry agreed, “Yes, the best is their 8-minute-desk-absence-policy for the toilet!”

Ian looked up questioningly. “Eight-minute-desk-absence-policy for the toilet?”

Harry nodded. “Yes, every employee has to put himself on a menu with a few options like available, unavailable, meeting, coaching, break and idle. And apart from anything that you are scheduled to, you are allowed 8 minutes of idle time a day. And if you need to go to the toilet in between you are allowed, to put it on idle but the maximum daily idle time is eight minutes.”

Harry’s daughter said, “Fantastic because the toilet is something that can be scheduled so well.”

Ian bursts into laughter. “Seriously? And what happens if you’re over?”

Harry said, “Well, they have a set percentage of discrepancies on those figures but anything else counts as an incident. The same as if you are more than five minutes late–it will be reported and no matter what reason for, it counts as an incident, the same as being sick. And in general, if you have more than three incidents within six months you’re getting kicked out. Of course, they play with this policy; there are many who are sick all the time like Avoka’s team-leader who are far beyond three incidents and who are still there.”

Avoka agreed, “Yes, actually the time I used to work there, when I had moved to my flat, the neighbor girl had told me that before me a Spanish girl had lived in the flat and she had been kicked out of the Fruit of the Loom company because she had been late three times.”

Avoka continued, “This was funny anyway as she said the Spanish girl now worked for Voxgo. This was the same company who had made me an offer and where I had been in March for three days but decided not to sign the contract because of the unprofessionalism of the team leader and organization. This company actually, had worked on the project I’m working on now, but their quality wasn’t good enough, so they took it away from them.”

Ian threw in, “And they gave it to that so professional Indian outsource company you are working with now?”

He shook his head. “As if they do a better job on the project, seriously?”

Harry agreed and burst into laughter. “This is unbelievable, but quality has a different definition here. It is not like our understanding of delivering the best solution for the customer but for the company’s most benefit, of course.”

Ian nodded. “Ah, so solving the customer’s problem is not really asked for.”

Avoka said, “Exactly, just making him feel like you are understanding and bringing across how you can’t help him in a friendly way.”

Harry said, “But it’s funny, Avoka, that with each company you end up with the same project and the competencies get worse and worse with those people.”

Avoka added, “And actually it’s not just the same project. I also meet the same people again, the Voxgo team-leader and some other girl I had met again at the Fruit of the Loom company they work there, too, now.” Harry said.

“No, seriously? It’s really hard to understand how they get so successful with that.” Avoka said.

“Yes, but it seems to work for them. The company stands as damn successful–at least it looks like it.” Harry mused, “But if they build their business on the same figures like they manage the figures in the systems we work with, you can be sure that 90% from the one person compared to 90% with another are based on totally different grounds. Just like yesterday, one of the guys came back from a two-weeks holiday but had consistently a 90% rate on his stats. I wonder how he managed this with not answering a single chat–that’s impressive, isn’t it?”

Everyone laughs. Ian said, “Yes, who knows if those financial figures they put out are real and their brand value or maybe it’s just kind of overrated just like they did with the real estate bubble?”

Harry agreed, “Well that would be a point but we’ll see. We must find a way to prove it.”

Ian said, “All right, I put my menu on idle time for the 8 minutes for now.” He laughs and stands up, walking to the toilet.

Harry said, “Well, yes, I think it’s time to put mine on unavailable.”

Avoka laughed, “Oh, I think that’s the one we’re not allowed to set.”

Harry said, “Oh, damn. So, what will this get me now, an incident?”

Avoka said, “Maybe.”

Harry replied, “Anyway, I think we should count the incidents. I’m with you, Avoka. I will try to get some more people involved. If we go for suing them together we stand much better chances. What do you think?”

Avoka agreed. “Yes, that’s a good idea, I guess, and we can bring much more awareness to how these companies really work and who takes the profit out, including their mysterious tax strategies they use.”

Harry said, “Yes, but that’s another issue but we’ll keep an eye on it, too. I know they are running claims in the US, too.”

Ian returns to the table. “Hey guys, I have an idea for another point that’s certainly not on one of your company’s menus and would cause another incident.” He’s flashing a smile towards Avoka.

“Ah, and I guess it’s one worthwhile incident, isn’t it?”

Ian is nodding and Harry says, “Oh, I’m sure it’s one that’s never getting on the menu, and certainly not by law.”

Harry’s daughter says, “Well, well, but that’s the one I thought about already the last 30 minutes and I like that one! Let’s go!”

They all get up, pay at the bar’s till and leave the Electric. Harry takes a cap home. His daughter is spending the night with her boyfriend at his place and Ian and Avoka walk over to the Imperial hotel where Ian has booked a suite.

Avoka wakes up in the morning with sweet kisses on her face and Ian holding her tight, flashing his bright smile into her face, and they enjoy breakfast in bed.

Two hours later they take some time to the Escape, the Hotel’s spa, having the pool all to themselves. It’s an incredible atmosphere swimming those long lines. The pool is built in an old traditional Roman style with high marble columns. Ian is hanging at the pool’s edge; Avoka is swimming toward him. He wraps his arms around her, lifting her up and kisses her lips. Than they both sink into the water, skin on skin. Even when they are drowning it feels like they are becoming one and it feels like they are each other’s air. In this moment, she knows he must be the one.

Late that afternoon they take a stroll through the Crawford Gallery and then make their way back to Dublin. They arrive at about ten o’clock. Ian drops Avoka at her flat at Marlborough Road No 6. Avoka is happy, feeling like she is on cloud number seven but coming down quickly when she opens the door. 

At the corridor stands a crowd of people, the two guys from the ground floor and three friends. They wink at Avoka, who walks over to them.

One of the guys starts, “The girl from the front flat was screaming for help. When we asked, the boyfriend came out saying everything was okay.”

The couple in the front flat must have had a bitter fight and the guys were wondering what to do. Now it was quiet. One was suggesting to call the police but everyone was afraid the boyfriend would put it on them and might beat them off. So, they all decided when she screams again to go in and call the police.

Avoka was a bit shocked but then went upstairs. You never knew how they would react; the guy was from Tunisia and the girl she hadn’t seen before.

She gets her bed ready and then a good night message from Hunt arrives. She sends a sleeping moon back, wishing sweet dreams.

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New Plan, New Man

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from the book i-Land – A double Irish and a Dutch – Chapter 3 – Escape to Cork

Avoka goes for a coffee while Harry gets his hair done. She gets an SMS from Hunt, who once again, suggests to her about how much he would like to be with her at the same place now. Avoka already knows it’s just one of those Saturdays where he seems to have nothing better to do than sending SMS but never means it. She takes a picture of her coffee and some delicious chocolate biscuits and posts it over with the message, “Yes, look what you’re missing.” He sends back a kiss picture and replies, “Oh, how much I would love that now.” Avoka is sure he is either sitting somewhere alone and is bored or he is sitting with some other woman and is bored while sending those pics. They continue the SMS communication with what they would like to do each other when they were together, now exchanging kissing pics and commenting. Avoka feels like playing Ken and Barbie with a guy and must laugh about this kind of communication. Finally, she tells him that she needs to go now; that she is meeting up with Harry, who has offered her a job for doing the PR and Social Media Campaigns for his new E-Roller. Hunt writes back, “Seriously? That means what, you’re leaving your current job again? A multi-guru company against a start up?” Avoka replies, “Yes. The current job is just a matter of time; they already asked me to sign such an assignment paper, similar, to the Fruit of the Loom thing that when I don’t fulfil the test results with their given percentage, they keep the rights to take consequences.” Hunt replies, “Oh, not again, but well, I understand.  Yes, you’re right, whatever you do I’m with you.” Avoka replies, “Oh, thank you, you are always so understanding.” Hunt replies, “You’re really brave, I wish you good luck. You seem to have a good time in Cork, enjoy your night out.” Avoka replies with a smile, kiss and thumb up and the message “Have a fabulous Saturday night, too.” Avoka leaves the cafe and picks up Harry from the hair-dresser, who has a nice, fresh cut now. Avoka comments, “Looking good, ready to move on?” Harry says, “Oh, thank you, yes, that hair had to go; it’s like what they say about women when they cut their hair leaving some past behind.” Avoka answers, “Yes, exactly!” Harry throws in, “We still have some time till the party starts at the Electric tonight. We could go to my place and try to contact the Dutch guy in Amsterdam who does the production and design part on the E-roller and we can discuss the next steps on how to promote it; what do you think, Avoka?” Avoka replies, “Yes, that’s a great idea, let’s go.” They walk over to Harry’s house. His daughter is preparing some late kind of brunch for her and her boyfriend. With a grinning smile, she says “Hello, you must be Avoka, right?” Avoka replies, “Yes, and you are Tally, right?” She nods, answering, “Yes, nice to meet you. I heard about you, Harry told me about your great team leader and the team at the Fruit of the Loom and how stupid they must be not to use your skills.” Harry puts in, “Yes, actually I’m the lucky one who gets the advantage of it now; she will do the PR and social media campaigns for our E-roller. That’s why we are here now; we want to contact Jarome and discuss things.” Tally says, “Wow, that’s great, you said yes? He was so hoping for it. Saying you are really tough, exactly the kind of person he needs for the job.” Avoka smiles, “Oh, thank you, yes it will be a tough job, but I will do my best. It’s a great roller and I think it deserves some cool ideas to be promoted, doesn’t it?” Tally says, “Yes, that’s true.” They start a Google Hangout with Jarome, who luckily is at home and start talking through some ideas. Jarome is excited and really likes the suggestions that Avoka makes and they talk for another hour and agree to meet up next month to work out things more in detail and get to know each other in person. It’s a really productive afternoon and at seven p.m. Harry and Avoka call a cab to drive over to the Electric bar, where they have a great party for the night including some Jazz singers and Top-DJ’s. Tally explains they will join later but that she also has another party to go to.

In the city, a demonstration against water charges is running. So far, the water in Ireland was free but the government wants to make a change starting with the new year. The main road is blocked and as they shortly start a march which probably walks toward the direction of the roads close to the Electric bar, Harry and Avoka decide to get off the cab and walk the last bit to the bar. They still have time to take the walk through the city. The demonstration guys are loud holding their speech. Harry laughs. “Yes, this is Ireland; here the people still go out on the street and fight for their rights.” At the side, they see some of the Fruit of the Loom guys sneaking along the wall, showing no interest at all in the street’s activity. Harry smiles. “This is really two worlds clashing in this small town–our guys at this hyper-tech company and the original Irish crowd. I love that contrast.” Avoka agrees, “Yes, and at my new company I also have two worlds clashing, the American Internet guru and the Indian Customer Service, yeah! I still don’t get it that this multi-guru outsources at such a company. I wonder how they even meet the goals, as from the work I see I can’t believe it.” Harry replies, “Yes that’s a good question, but this I even wonder about the Fruit of the Loom. But they kind of manipulate things. I lately saw one guy who had left his menu set on the wrong menu point ‘available’ throughout the whole night and they simply put it on someone else on the phone support. If they work it that way, who knows about the real figures? Also, they use such old software you wouldn’t believe that the number one company on technology uses the software from the last decade on their own services.” Avoka says, “So true, but I’m so glad that we finally made this deal and I can work the communication part in your company.” Harry says, “Yes, I’m excited, too.” They pass by on one of the stores that sell the latest gadget from the Fruit of the Loom company. Avoka says, “Oh, Peter bought this one, of course, with the extra they provide the employees with.” Harry replies, “Yes, I was thinking about it, too. But still I don’t know when I see all the problems that come with it.” Avoka agrees, “Yes, I didn’t buy it either, even though they gave $300 extra on it, this couldn’t make me buy one.” They both laugh.

Arriving at the Electric, some people are sitting already outside along the canal, while the sun is slowly going down behind the hill. It’s a beautiful atmosphere and Avoka takes some pictures and immediately posts them on Facebook. Avoka and Harry enter the Electric, going straight to the bar ordering some drinks and a food plate, then walking over to the tables at the window with the view of the water and the sunset. A DJ is already on the turntables playing a cool mix between chill out, lounge and soul music. The evening can start, ready to party.

An hour later the party is in full swing, the crowed is dancing, Avoka is sitting near the window looking at the river. She is thinking about Ian. When, was he coming back to Ireland? There appears the vibrating sound from her phone and yes, it is Ian. He has sent a message asking if she was enjoying the Cork weekend and if her ex-colleague was behaving. Avoka replied, “Yes, of course. Now we are even doing business together.” Ian replies, “Sure, that’s a reason.” He adds a tweak emotion icon and asks if she will be in Dublin for the upcoming weekend. With the next text message, he adds, “I really would love to meet you; I miss you somehow.” He writes he’ll be back in Dublin on Wednesday. She is crazy for meeting him and agrees to a date at the weekend. Ian also writes that he did not like the game they played at her at her current job and that he also had an idea. He had talked with his team manager from the Rugby game, who had suggested that they needed some good PR. His manager sounded really interested and he asked to meet to discuss some ideas with her. Avoka was all ears, of course, and she agreed.

She was staring at the river and dreaming how great it would be to have her own PR company here and just quit that job at the guru company. She already had an idea how to find some synergies between the e-roller and the Rugby team that had the potential to make it a fabulous campaign. She was smiling in the air, then grabbing the martini and emptying the glass. Another message arrived from Hunt! “Wishing a great Saturday night and sending a big kiss.” Avoka recorded some music the DJ was playing–some jazzy lyrics, “What nature brings” by Nekta–and sent it to Hunt with a golden Burberry Kiss and the lines ‘Enjoy the Weekend!’ She knew he would party with some other woman who he probably had worked with during the week, any customer or colleague, and roll in the sheets, sharing his fantasies with any woman for the weekend, and by Sunday afternoon he would have left her. Then, sitting in a cafe all by himself, he would text something to Avoka but never come to meet her. Once she had wished to meet him and she was so excited and had loved this idea. But now all she thought was whatever.

She always had written those messages with the thrill to meet him. But finally realizing this would never happen, she had lost this appetite and actually she did not want to be one of those women for a weekend and on the other side, she wouldn’t want a man to share with other women.  And for just friends, the whole Whatsapp chat was much too sexual. So finally, it had turned into this Whatsapp fantasy she never wanted to be. But did it matter? Not really. Of course, it was sad somehow; they could have been real, good friends–there was something they had in common. He was the first guy she had felt to be on the same wave-length with; they really had the same taste in many things and the same views. He was someone she had always felt understood her. Had he felt the same way about her? She did not know what really had been his intention. If it was just sexual like with all those other women, he could have had it but he never went for it. If it was just friends, then why did it get so sexual? And when it was nothing then why was it so intense and went on 24/7 and for almost a year now? She couldn’t really figure out what it was about. Once he was ghosting, and after months he suddenly had replied for advent wishes and again ghosting. Was this accidental or what was it? She had not recognized his number right away and wrote thanks, wondering who was sending the message, then she had seen the profile pic and replied in an additional line, ‘Ah, it’s you’ but then haven’t heard from him again – ghosting once more. She did not understand this phenomenon on him. On that last one should she ask again? But he had started the conversation and then did not reply. He had done that before. Was it just one of his “sitting-alone-in-the-cafe-moments” or was there something that he missed? Like for her, it was once him; but not now anymore. What was it really that caused this ghosting? Another woman, person, complex–what was the real issue behind that? Was it this “He’s just not that into you” thing; would she ever find out? But it was always him who would suddenly come back. Maybe she was living in a ghoster’s paradise and she should just let it go – he should haunt someone else. She always had enjoyed all those Whatsapp and phone conversations and you could see it in her eyes in every picture she posted how it had made her shine but she wanted someone real, now, someone to meet in real life like Ian and not talking to a ghost. Maybe someone loved the idea of her but couldn’t handle her reality.

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At the English Market – Brunch

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from the book i-Land – A double Irish and a Dutch – Chapter 3 – Escape to Cork

Saturday morning, ten o’clock Avoka is standing at the entrance of the English Market, which is already crowded. At the right is a bakery stand, next to it freshly made confiture, another stand presents creme tarts, this seems to be the sweet corner but so far, no Harry in sight. Avoka decides to have a little walk around; chances that Harry will make it on time seem rather impossible, so she passes by the bakery stuff and turns right, walking into a little store called “Why not”. She stops at a stand with metal plates and quotes displayed at the window front. One shows a young girl saying “And now I pretend to listen to my fucking supervisor.” Avoka smiles thinking, Okay, perfect one for my next training session with that guy from India. A text message arrives. It’s from Harry saying, “Sorry, for the delay, Avoka, I’ll be here in about five minutes.” Avoka replies, “Well I’m here in “Why not!” the little shop on the left. Harry replies, “Oh, good then I’ll meet you there, “Why not!” Avoka sends a thumb up back. The next sign reads some things are just better rich, creme, chocolate …. men. Well, not too bad; Avoka thinks, Okay, why not!  Somehow the Irish folks understand making things simple, bringing it to a point. And there he was, Harry, reading out loud another sign, “Oh, your book club reads important things, that’s sweet. My book club just drinks.” Avoka replying, “Well, a simple hello can lead to a million things.” Harry says, “Hello, Avoka. Yes, well, I tried to stay away from last night’s vodka, but it was just stronger than me.” Avoka with a smile answers, “Oh, well so maybe a 40%?” Harry gives Avoka a hug. “Yes, something like this. You’re looking great; have you had breakfast already? I could need a strong coffee.” Avoka says, “Great idea. How about the cafe here on the gallery?” Harry says, “Yes, let’s go there.” They walk through the crowd. Harry comments, “Oh, you won’t believe last night, my daughter was having a party, too, at home, I had to make my way through a crowd like here with the difference the people here are moving. You can’t believe how many drunk guys were lying there like almost dead. I had to kick them out of the apartment. I can tell you.” Avoka laughs, “Oh, wow, so you come from a party, and it’s like home is a party.” Harry laughs. “True, but this was a bit too wild; she’s just turned 17. I told her she has to reduce this a little.” The two take the stairs to the balcony and sit at the gallery overlooking the market hall. Avoka orders a classic English breakfast. Harry goes for a French first coffee and a cigarette. But after a while, he also orders a traditional one after smelling the bacon. He talks about the Fruit of the Loom’s how it’s getting more crazy. “You know what they announced in one of their information events last week? They bought the whole street where they have the European center and started building a lake.” He laughs, “They really build their own empire there; it’s like in a Stephen King movie. This little traditional city and the hyper tech company on top of the hill where no one really knows what they really do and who really works there. Led by those three Ladies. You can be lucky that you left. That was the only right thing to do for you.” Avoka agrees, “Yes, I know when you are not the chosen one and they start working against you, the best thing to do is to move on. But I’m already facing the same issue again where I’m now. The only difference is, we have a much more relaxed work policy in regard to a time schedule. We don’t have to log in and set ourselves on a menu like available, break or training making you feel like wearing a foot vessel. And we have a kitchen with free drinks and snacks that almost looks like Starbucks. But that’s the only good thing really.”

Harry says, “Yes, but the best comes here; they cut the health insurance. They simply switched it last month to a lower priced insurance and the coverage we get now is a joke. That’s how they compensate the costs for building their empire.” Avoka nods, “Yeah, it’s unbelievable, there is really no balance. That’s what they say in Dublin about this company, similarly to Amazon. That’s why they are always looking for new people, and have this high fluctuation.” Harry agrees, “Yes, that’s true, they have this inner circle and apart from that they burn the people. You will hardly see anyone moving up more than a team leader as they are on burnout after two years.” Avoka laughs, “Yes, that’s why our team leader had boldly presented his honors with 5 years Fruit of the Loom on his desk.” Harry bursts into laughter, “No, really? He put that on the desk?” Avoka says, “Yes, the only thing on his desk–the clear table policy, of course.” Harry is shaking his head, “Yes, and you were a bête noir to them. There is not one who has a real qualification for what they do. It’s unbelievable.” He adds, “How is it going; are you looking for something else? You know I do this job just next to my new business with the electro roller and e-bikes and we are licensed now here in Ireland and in Holland of course. What we really need is someone in marketing with a good know-how. What do you think, that’s exactly your thing, isn’t it? Could you imagine working with us on this?” Avoka drops her chin; with open mouth, she looks at Harry stuttering, “Oh, well.” Then chewing her sausages and now with a clear voice, “Wow, so you’re licensed now with the electro rollers? That’s great news! Yes, sure, if you guys need someone for marketing/PR I’m with you; that’s a great opportunity.” Harry high-fives Avoka, “Yes, that’s cool, you working with us for the promotion campaigns, that’s exactly what we need.” They start talking in detail and finally order a bottle of champagne to cheer the new business relationship. Harry looks down from the balcony, “Oh, look, isn’t this your ex Team-leader Tino with his boss Mrs Cooper?” A couple arm in arm are walking through the market lane and now the woman whispers in the guy’s ears, then stopping and giving him a real long and intense kiss. Harry holds his iPhone up, also taking a long shot with the comment, “Everything happens for a reason,” then adding, “That might explain his long absences and many sick days without any incidents?” Avoka shakes her head again. “What else?! She’s almost his double age, isn’t she?” Harry says, “Oh, come on, Avoka, don’t make her that old, but more than twenty plus I’m sure.” Avoka says, “Oh, man you don’t know who of the two has the worst taste!” Harry, “Yes, that applies to both. Jesus! What a horror couple.”

Avoka continues, “And they really think they are in a kind of “secret” place here? Do they really think no Fruit of the Loom people will see them here? When every fourth person in this town works there?” Harry,” Well, with that kind of stupidity you survive five years at Fruit of the Loom, wow, but this explains how he survives all those sick days, when everyone else gets kicked out after the third so-called incident for each sick note. You got to know the right Manager. But this is unbelievable, there is almost a half century between the two. Avoka replies with a smile, “Well, that makes it my couple of the year.” They both laugh out loudly. Harry has an appointment with the hairdresser at three o’clock and takes a cab to McCurtain street, a beautiful traditional Irish street with loads of shops, bars, coffees, all with those lovely colored store fronts. A lively street.

i-Land – A double Irish and a Dutch – ebook
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Meeting old colleagues

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from the book i-Land – A double Irish and a Dutch – Chapter 3 – Escape to Cork

Avoka is just looking forward to the weekend. At seven o’clock finally, she is sitting on the bus to Cork. Harry picks her up at the bus station around eleven o’clock. They quickly bring her luggage to the hotel and then go on to a party given by the team manager, Harry’s boss.

Avoka is excited how these guys are going on, meeting those old colleagues from her previous job down here in Cork. Some had already left, but she remembers well the team leader and a girl from Canada. But also, those three who took every chance to bully her.

And there they arrive, the party is going on and there is hardly anyone to meet without an alcohol level below 2 Promille, which is nothing special in this town and certainly not for a Fruit of the Loom party.

Entering Harry’s team leader’s home, walking towards the living room, the party is already going on since 8 pm. Walking through the corridor, a girl, Tabby, is running into Avoka. Tumbling against her back and then staring into Avoka’s eyes, in her drunken voice she is stumbling, “Ey, I know you.” Avoka could never stand that girl. She is the one who started all this bullying shit during the time Avoka had worked at the Fruit of the Loom company. Whenever Avoka had given a correct answer in the training, she had commented and given some statements that made everyone laugh, always trying to put down what Avoka had said. Together with a colleague, they started every time they had to work together in a team work with the words, “Oh, no with Avoka, this is a no go.” This had gone on so far that one guy had complained with a team leader he could not sit next to Avoka. All this had been made up by this girl and the one colleague simply because Avoka had given the correct answer at first to the trainer’s question. Now, this Tabby was staring at Avoka, so drunk she didn’t know where she knew Avoka from. Avoka replied, “Really, you know me, someone like you? Must have been one of my dark moments.” Then she passed by. Guinness, Whiskey and drunken Fruit of the Looms with rather flat jokes–that was all that was going on in this room and it couldn’t be less exciting. Avoka called a cab. Harry was sitting on a couch covered with three girls talking to Avoka, “Hey wait, don’t leave me alone with these fruits here.” Avoka asks, “Why? I thought you enjoy the dark fruits around you.” Harry replied, “Not really, even the Guinness couldn’t help to light them up, making them tasty.” Avoka replied, “Well, then get up, the cab is waiting outside.” Together they leave the party. Avoka drops Harry at his apartment, where another party hosted by his seventeen-year old daughter is going on. Finally, Avoka arrives at her hotel. They both had agreed to meet at the English Market at 10 am the next morning. Avoka was wondering how he will make it that early from his point of view. But Harry is used to hardcore partying, so it shouldn’t be a problem.

Read the full story on KindleUnlimited i-Land – A double Irish and a Dutch

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Another Office Day

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from the book i-Land – A double Irish and a Dutch – Chapter 3 – Escape to Cork

Avoka had received an e-mail from a previous colleague and they arranged for the weekend to meet in Cork. She was looking forward to meeting Harry, as it was always great fun; he was the kind of guy, who was seen, as the cool guy. When he appeared somewhere it didn’t take long, and he was surrounded, by beautiful girls.

But now Avoka had three more days to go. The training did not get much better. Mario now had Carver’s full backup and the questions, answer games, the quizzes and explanations got worse together with an always incomplete course material. Avoka could not imagine how to learn the things she really needed to know for doing this job. The only way was to study all the customer sources on the Internet, which she had to do after the normal working hours. Everything was clearly described on the customer sites; the only thing was in many cases the info wasn’t congruent with what was taught in class. How could this be? So far Avoka had not heard from the guy who had recruited her, so she decided to write to the HR person as meanwhile, the two played their silly school boy game on her. The last issue had been that she had asked for the presentations on paper and Mario had agreed to hand it out. This was already more than a week, ago.

Avoka had sent an email that she had asked several times for the printouts but still had not received them yet. No response. In the afternoon, she asked Carver, who was sitting opposite her desk, about the printouts. Mario had turned around towards Carver. “I will give them to her later!” followed by a wink with his eyes. Avoka knew exactly what this meant. He never really intended to give the printouts and neither he would.

In the afternoon, shortly before she wants to leave, a chat window pops up on her screen. Sina, the Indian team manager, starts asking, how things are going and announces she wants to discuss the issue with Avoka tomorrow, asking when Avoka was best available. Both agree for two o’clock on the next day.

Friday morning Carver announces, “Today is team lunch!” For the next two hours, everyone is busy talking about the lunch menu, times ordering the food and so on. One o’clock has been finally set. Some went for Italian food; others chose a Chinese dish. At 1.30 pm the Chinese food is announced to be delayed for probably another hour while the pizza and pasta had already arrived. Avoka explains to Carver that she has the phone call with Sina scheduled to talk about those issues they had. He replies, “Ah, she contacted you, but team lunch is more important. I will let her know.”

At three o’ clock the Chinese food finally arrives and they all sit in the Cafeteria having lunch together. Meanwhile, another team from the SEO team is finishing one of their trainings and every successful member entering the cafeteria is cheered and celebrated from the team with a loud “Wow, you made it!” A decent conversation starts. Carver asks while eating his cold pizza and spaghetti, “And was the Chinese worth the wait?” The Spanish guys replying in a chorus, “Yes. This is very delicious.” The Spanish girl says, “Of, course it was worth the wait and it’s great sitting here all together as a team; it’s a very good idea.” Everyone agrees. Avoka thought she had had much better Chinese experiences than that but anyway thinks team spirit and agrees. Now Carver takes over the conversation with his upcoming trip to India. Mario and his companion support Carver’s monologue with silly comments.

Luckily the lunch is over. Avoka is back on her desk and Sina’s chat photo pops up asking, “How was team lunch?” Avoka replies, “Great.” Sina says, “Yes, I thought that was a good idea for the team. I’ll contact you next week and we talk.”

 Avoka was surprised in a positive way how this team manager seemed to have a real interest and show concern.

Again, Avoka asks for the printouts so she can prepare for her tests over the weekend. Carver is already sitting on his desk sorting the presentation papers. Very busily he is sorting the papers which somehow look kind of messy. Thirty minutes later Avoka is asking, “Can I give you a hand? Maybe this will be quicker when we help?” Carver replies “Yes, you can sort this.” It turns out that the presentation they already had were double and the ones missing had not been printed. Carver puts in, “Oh, that doesn’t matter. That’s for the new hire.” Avoka had already captured phrases like this before that they are planning additional people for the German team. At 5:30 pm Avoka is saying, “Okay, I’ll take this one here for the weekend; it will do.” Carver uses Mario’s favorite phrase, “Yes, this is a mess! I’ll sort it out and you will get the presentations next week.”

Everyone agrees and Avoka is amazed how someone could spend two hours getting the printouts anything but in such a mess.

Read the full story here on kindleunlimited – I-Land – A double Irish and a Dutch

Escape to Cork – Another Office Day
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Salsa and Valentine’s Day in Dublin

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from the book i-Land – A double Irish and a Dutch

In the evening Avoka went to a Salsa class at the River Bar. They offered dance classes from beginner to advanced almost every night. It was a great atmosphere and she met a Spanish girl who also was waiting for the Salsa class. The two were sitting at the bar having a Caesar salad. Elena was having a beer and Avoka a glass of prosecco. Elena was working as a project-manager and was complaining about her colleague who would actually do her work and make her look like she couldn’t perform her own job. She also moaned about the other colleagues who left her out who had only shown a tired wink in the morning to say hello, acting like she was no one who they could interact with. They had another drink and went to the Salsa class which was great fun. After a short warm-up session, similar to a Zumba class they had split the class into beginner and advanced people. Elena and Avoka went to the beginner class and luck was with them as they got a really great teacher, Stephanie, a girl from Argentina and she was brilliant in teaching the class. At the end of the lesson, she came over to Avoka and said, “You can go to the next class, next time go to the improvers, tell them Stephanie said so.” Avoka smiled and said thanks. They moved over for the next class, Kizomba, a hot, erotic dance which is danced very close with the partner and you do good if you like the guys you have to dance with. After the second class the two were really happy. They felt great. Going upstairs, the dance teacher from the improver class, came over to Avoka, “You were great, you really did well”! Avoka replied “Thanks.” They walked out the door. Avoka turning to the dance teacher, “See you next week.” They walked over to the bikes and Elena was saying, “Ah, all we need to do is dance more Salsa that lets one forget about all work issues and trouble.” Avoka agreed, “Okay, let’s dance more Salsa; see you next week.” She walked over to her bike and took a ride home. She arrived at around eleven. Looking at her mobile phone a good night message from Hunt with a kiss and a heart appeared on her screen. She wrote back how she wished it was him in the Kizomba class then sent a good night kiss, finally lying in bed.

She remembered the day when she went to a trip to Dublin, the time she had lived in Cork while working for the Fruit of the Loom and when she thought for the first time this Dublin would be a nice city to live in and work.

It was the 14th February, Valentine’s day. She had wished Hunt would have come over; she had made so many attempts, by sending nice hotel pictures and a great weekend but he had not gotten into it. So, she had made that weekend trip to Dublin on her own, not aware that this was one of the biggest nights in town and she really hit it.

Not knowing that these were two highlights at once the 14th of February Valentine’s day and in Ireland also a day of the Big Game, the Rugby plays.  It was really difficult to find a room for accommodation on that short term. The prices for rooms were outrageous; the hotel rooms started from 200 € a night. Luckily, she had found a Bed & Breakfast, Berrie’s. She arrived Friday late evening and was surprised as she found a beautiful room in a well styled Georgian townhouse, beautifully decorated in a mix with clean modern elements and traditional wooden furniture. The room was with lilac flowers, lights and pillows in cream, really charming. So, she had a good night’s sleep and woke up Saturday morning, a sunny day perfect for  Valentine’s day. Of course, this day would have been better waking up with someone called Hunt on her side and she was thinking, One day I will wake up, roll over, and kiss the love of my life good morning but this wasn’t today. Instead, the sunlight was shining onto her face like kissing her good morning. She got up and had her breakfast downstairs in the salon, a typical English breakfast with bacon, toast, hot coffee orange juice and she was ready to start her day. She walked towards the Stephen’s Green park which was crowded with couples, some families walking with their children in the middle a little lake with ducks and swans swimming on. A beautiful scene.  She walked over to cafe Nero for another coffee and checking out places to explore in Dublin on the Internet. Walking towards Grafton Street, one of the main shopping roads, she passed the Shelbury, the first hotel in town where all the prominence would stay when visiting the town. Next to it was a spa and some restaurants in the basements. Avoka was looking around, excited, as she loved the Georgian buildings with those typical black English fences, and stopped in front of the spa, staring at the spa prices which, of course. were kind of out of range. Still shocked about the prices, she turns around, her coffee in the hand, when she stumbles over a foot, bouncing against a bold shoulder. A short moment of blackout and finally finding herself crashing into the arms of a really, handsome guy with her coffee now spread all over the floor. Feeling the pain on her nose, she didn’t really realize how attractive this guy looked like, nor who he was. The guy who had just caught her was one of the guys who would play the Big Game tonight. Covering her nose that started to bleed, the guy helped her to walk over and asked her to come into the hotel lobby. The guy got some staff who brought ice to cool down the red nose, helping to stop the bleeding. Avoka was a little dizzy and it didn’t take long till an ambulance arrived. The guy wanted to make sure that nothing was broken. And the doctor assured that the nose was okay, she should just rest for a moment, till the bleeding stopped and yes, it might take a little time till the swollen nose would get back to regular size. She should just keep on cooling it. The guy smiled at Avoka then, suggesting, “Well then, I think it’s best you join me. I have one of the most comfortable suites here. I think there wouldn’t be any better place to rest comfortably for the moment, or do you prefer one of those white, clean, chic hospital rooms?” Avoka replied, “I’m booked in a nice room in a B&B too, not far away from here. I can take a cab back; that will be fine, too.” The guy looked at Avoka then the doctor interfered. “I think it’s better if you don’t move the head too much for the next 1 or 2 hours and put the ice on it for keeping the swelling down.” The handsome guy, still looking at Avoka, said, “Well, you hear the doctor, I think you should listen to him. You really can stay in my suite; I won’t bite.” Avoka started to smile but was stopped from the pain, finally agreeing, “Okay, then I take your offer, but originally I had this day somehow planned differently. I wanted to walk through Grafton Street and have lunch at the Pygmalion.” The handsome guy replied, “Well, right now I think that’s really not the best idea.” Then he introduced himself. “Hi, I am Ian; I’m here for the big game tonight. And you, you are not from Dublin, are you?” While they were walking over to the elevator, Avoka replied, “No, I’m actually from Cork but originally from Germany. I’m Avoka by the way.” Ian smiled, “Oh, Avoka, that name sounds nice, from Germany and what are you doing in Cork?” Avoka replied, “Well, I came over to Cork to work here for one of the number one brands for German Customer Support.” Ian replied, “Oh, you work for the Fruit of the Loom?” Avoka said, “Yes, exactly.”

Ian said, “Wow, what exactly are you doing there?” Avoka said, “I’m in the German team as a technical customer service advisor.” Ian said, “Oh, you are a tech savvy girl, then you might have some advice, for my phone, too?” Avoka replied, “Well, maybe, what’s the issue?” Ian said, “I’ll show you later, and do you like it?” Avoka, “Well, I don’t really like this team structure and the kind and attitude of people working there. I thought it would be better; most of the training is so semi-professional. I thought it would be some kind of entry card to get a chance to work in marketing communication later on; that’s what I originally have studied. But this seems totally, out of scope. All they do here is the customer service; it’s like a slum. There is no chance to move up anywhere else than team leader or senior advisor. There is one guy who had started here in Cork then moved up to the engineering in the US then lost it all and now starts all over again; they don’t really care about the people’s experiences and skills.” Ian said, “Yes, actually this company has not the best reputation here in Dublin; they are known for a high fluctuation and bad work policies, the same as Amazon.” Avoka agreed, “Yes, one of my colleagues also said yesterday, one can’t get old here, can you? And I agreed, I’m already looking for something else.” She explained that she also had a yoga teacher license and had sent some applications for those holiday resorts to teach the summer classes. She explained, “It’s the right time, at the right moment; they are looking for teachers.” Ian said, “Oh, that sounds good, then you must be flexible, are you? You should teach our team a yoga session. I can imagine that would be great for the guys but maybe we shouldn’t call it yoga, they might be a little “allergic” to that; they are real guys, you know?” Avoka said, “Well yes, I’m sure that might be a cool class; we can arrange something.” Ian opens the door to the suite, “Come in and make yourself comfortable.” Avoka is impressed as she walks through the first room, which includes a huge sofa, chairs, an open fire place, a huge TV, everything is decorated in a mix of modern and Victorian styles and very tasteful. All she can say is, “Wow!” Ian smiles at her, “This is not the only room; have a look at the bedroom. Don’t hesitate.” Avoka passes through the double wing door to the bedroom, a wonderful box spring bed, and a huge window front. The suite also includes a bathroom with whirlpool. Avoka is speechless. Ian says, “You can choose where to rest, but I think you should lie down a little. The bed is freshly made. I think that’s the best place for you at the moment. And don’t worry, you will have it all for you. I won’t fall over you, even if this is hard with a beautiful woman lying in the bedroom next door.” Avoka, standing there with an open mouth, then swallows, “Ha, ha, don’t exaggerate, but thanks for the compliment. Why you think I wouldn’t like it?” And she adds, “Just kidding.” Ian thinks she looks to too cute with a little swollen nose, the big red lips, but also a little pale and a little sleep would be the right thing for her now. Ian says, “Aha, maybe you just lie down, and I bring you a bit ice, to cool down.” Ian walks back to the living room, calling the room service. Five minutes later the ice arrives at the suite and Ian brings it over to Avoka with a towel. “I think sleeping would be the best for you now. I will leave you alone, maybe for two hours? I can check back on you. I will be over with Owen, if you need anything just call the room service, I give you my number and you can call any time.” Avoka is glad this guy is really nice and it seemed to be a good idea to stay here; she really feels the pain on her nose and the ice feels good on it but she also got a little headache. Ian is looking at her. “Everything okay, Avoka?” Avoka nods, “Sure, just a little headache, one of those guys just bumped into my nose, you know, one of those rugby players who needed some sparring partner just before the big game.” Ian laughs, “Oh, really, and did you hit back or do you need to improve your defence? But maybe you should look for another job. I could imagine better things for a Saturday afternoon than lying in bed with a headache and a swollen nose.” Avoka smiles, “Oh, really, could you? Me, too. I will remind you of this one, tomorrow, after the game.” Ian smiles at Avoka, “Reminding me about what, better things to lie with?”  Avoka throws a pillow towards Ian. “Get out!” Ian shuts the door while joking, “Sleep well, sweetie.”

Two hours later Ian opens the bedroom door, Avoka is lying relaxed and fallen into a deep sleep. He looks at her nose, the swelling seems to be reduced a little and he decides to just let her sleep. The crash must have been really, heavy on the nose, more than just a bump on his chest. Looking at her, how she sleeps in his huge bed, he feels like he could get a crush on her. He hopes that she will be fine when she wakes up to join the big game live. Owen has already arranged a seat in the first row and he would love to have her there.

Six o’clock and the guys have to get ready. Avoka meanwhile, awake, gets the okay from the doctor who just gave some pain killers and leaves with the words, “Enjoy the game, but no more crashes on the nose.” Avoka replies, “Well, I do my best not to crash into anything.” Owen who is waiting in the living room turns towards Avoka, “Don’t crash into Ian, I heard this can be painful.” Avoka, “Yes, well, I just had this experience, and I think I can take it.” Owen says, “Oh well, then let’s go.” Avoka walks out and Owen comments, “Well done, Ian, great catch, you really hit it.” Ian flashes a smile at Owen, “Yes, I would not have assumed to make a strike like that!”

It’s an amazing night, the arena is sold out, and the game is pure action with a final result of 4 – 14! It’s an amazing atmosphere and Avoka can’t believe she’s here seeing the game live. Right after the games at the Aviva stadium, the bottles open. One of the guys comes over to Avoka, offering her a bottle of Champagne, putting his arm around her. Avoka says thanks, but is actually not into alcohol for the night, as she had taken the valium, which would not be a good idea with alcohol. The guy insists, “Hey, come on, don’t be a pussy!” Ian is already walking over. “Paul, stop it, she’s here with me, and if she says no, she means no. Got it?” Paul says, “Oh, sorry, I did not know, of course, such a cutie.” He turns to Avoka, “Sorry, Avoka, I apologize.” Then he turns to Ian, “Got it. This shouldn’t be anything.” Ian smiles, “Okay, man!” Paul says, “We’re going over to the Pyg; will I see you guys later over there?” Ian turns towards Avoka, who has a bright smile on her face. “Are you fit for a party?” Avoka agrees, “Sure, we can join the crowd.” Paul says, “I’m not really sure if it’s a good idea; you should not drink with all these pain killers and they are going to get really wild and drunk; you don’t know how much. This here is nothing compared to how they will be like in about an hour.” Avoka rolls her eyes then looks in the air. Ian comes a step closer towards Avoka, placing a hand around her shoulder. “Okay, let’s join them; we don’t have to stay too long.” They walk over to the limo. Owen takes a seat in the BMW behind, Paul shouts out of the Limo, “You can have a seat here, Ian; we have three more spaces.” They take a seat in the limo and start the drive towards the Pyg. Paul opens another bottle of champagne, mixing one glass with orange juice; they put the glasses together and shout “Cheers”. Ian looks towards Avoka, who sits next to him. He holds his left arm around her, turning his head towards her, and gives her a soft kiss on her lips and for the next five minutes, the two are lost in each other. Paul shouts, “We are there, hey guys, stop now, let’s get off here, the party goes on inside.” Ian looks over to Paul, “Oh, really, we’re already at the Pyg, how comes?” He looks at Avoka, giving her a sweet smile. “You want to come?” Both get off the Limo, walking down towards the Pyg entry, which is crowded with people, cheerleaders, people clapping, high-fiving and so on. At the end of the room at the VIP table, Paul is shouting, “Come over, come over here, Ladies.” A band is playing and nobody really sits down, some start dancing, the champagne is running and the party is going wild. A cake arrives with girls jumping out and the party goes on. Ian is coming over to Avoka, “And that’s how you imagined the party?” Avoka says, “Well, maybe a bit more dressed for some of the girls, but yes.” Ian laughs, “Aha, more dressed.”  Holding both arms around Avoka, “You’re not a fan of undressed girls, I see?” Avoka says, “Yes, guys in those outfits were more fun.” Ian laughs, “I don’t think you would get any of the guys in that outfit.” Avoka says, “No?” Ian says, “Are you sure your head is okay, that it’s just the nose that got a hit?” Avoka nods, frowning her face. “What do you mean, Ian?” Ian smiles benignly, “Just asking.” Putting his lips on Avoka’s and kissing her breathtakingly, he looks into her eyes, “You look so beautiful and you taste so delicious.” Avoka laughs, “Are you kidding? I have a red swollen nose on my face, but you must like the taste of champagne, don’t you?” Ian replies, “Yes, I love it sparkling. How does your nose feel; do you still feel the pain?” Avoka says, “As long as I’m some kind of dazed and the painkillers still work it’s fine, and of course when you kiss me.” Ian laughs, “Ah, when I kiss you, that helps?” Avoka, “Yes, your kiss and my world is perfect.” Ian gives another kiss to her and then whispers in her ears, “I don’t want to be too pushy, and I know we only met today, but if you would like to stay with me, I have a lot of space in my room. We don’t have to play wild.” Avoka looks at him then looks down, a little shy of course, she would like; the guy is incredible even she normally doesn’t go down the first night when she hardly knows someone. But this feels so good in his arms and she replies, “Well, your place really feels as comfortable as in your arms, to be honest, yes, I would love to sleep in both tonight.” Ian holding her a little closer and giving her another kiss, whispers in her ear, “Then let’s go?” Avoka agrees and repeats, “Okay, let’s go.”

Remembering the line one day I roll over in the morning and kiss my love good morning. That could be today. That’s what Avoka is thinking the next morning. She opens her eyes; big curtains are in front of the window; sunlight shines through at the end of the curtain. She feels like in heaven lying here in Ian’s arms who is still sleeping. She feels so comfortable and the headache is gone. She turns around and rolls over, kissing Ian’s lips. He opens his eyes and smiles on her face, “Like the sun shines on my face, good morning.” They both kiss intensely, Ian holding both arms around Avoka, and rolls over. Both start giggling. Ian asks, “And have you had a good night; did you sleep well?” Avoka replies, “Yes, and I had sweet dreams.” Ian, “Oh, sweet dreams? And what was in your dreams, this here?” They roll over and Ian totally rocks it.

They both disappear under the duvet, rolling between the sheets. Avoka could feel every bit under her skin and it felt incredible; touching his well-trained muscles, he feels so strong. Avoka feels like rocking in another world.

At eleven o’ clock someone is knocking at the door, “Room Service!” Ian pulls his head from under the duvet, asking, “Do you like some coffee, ready for breakfast?” Avoka surprised answers, “Breakfast? Of course, I’m ready.” In an underlying tone, Ian smiles at her, “Or do you want more of that?” Avoka smiles back and Ian adds, “Well, we have the whole afternoon if you like. I need some energy, I had a hard play last night, you know.” Avoka agrees, “Yes, I’ve seen the big game, match 4-14.”

The butler comes in and they both are having breakfast in bed. Ian is making jokes about Avoka’s nose but it already looks much better than the day before and they both decide to go for a stroll through the city, visiting some of Avoka’s favorite shops around Grafton Street–the reason what she originally came for to Dublin.

Avoka feels like in heaven, this was the last she had expected from her disappointment with Hunt, who did not make the least effort to come over. For whatever reason, she could somehow imagine as Hunt probably into some kind of hardcore valentine, like a dungeon, which would not be her kind of thing ever.  But her valentine had actually turned out into something like this so wonderful.

Now they were walking at the little lake in the Stephen’s Green Park. Avoka had one more hour till she had to take the bus back to Cork. Ian stroked her hair back, “I would love to see you again, how about you?” Of course, she would love to see him again but she was in a tricky situation. Looking at him with big eyes, she says, “Of course, I would love to see you again. But at the moment, it is somehow difficult, as you know I don’t want to stay with this company in Cork and chances are good that I will be teaching classes during the summer at the Mediterranean Sea, which means I won’t be here. Actually, I like Dublin and I also have applications open here.”

Ian interrupts her with a kiss. “Don’t worry, where there is a will, there is a way; we can take it slow, no rush, and I can take time out for a holiday, meeting you at the Mediterranean Sea, wherever.” The two walk back through the park towards the bus station. At seven Avoka is sitting on the bus on her way back to Cork.

Remembering this was the moment she decided Dublin was a city worth it to live in.

But right now, she was frustrated. Ian wasn’t even in Ireland; he was in a training camp and would hardly be here this summer. So, she had to deal with her new workplace on her own. The general crowd and living wasn’t really luxury and this workplace with these colleagues had turned out as such a nightmare which seemed to be the average workplace situation. All these multinational twenty-something year olds were from all over Europe: Portugal, Spain, Hungary, Poland and Romania. Even from across the Atlantic, Brazil or Canada. Somehow it was an interesting mix but she didn’t really felt comfortable with her present workplace situations.

Read the ebook here on Kindle Amazon – i-land – A double Irish and a Dutch

i-land – A double Irish and a Dutch
books · Latest · Reading · short-stories

First day at East Point

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from the book i-Land – A double Irish and a Dutch

Tuesday morning Avoka took the bus towards East Point. She got off the arena bus stop and walked along the busy port road, passing the Yahoo building, and carried on till she arrived at the business park. She had to wait at the reception. Another girl with long dark hair was already sitting there. This was Prima, the girl Avoka had previously talked with, as the agency guy had introduced both girls to each other, explaining they would start together. Avoka said hello and they started talking about how the weekend was and where they came from. The door opened and a guy with black hair in jeans and blue jumper, not really tall, came up to the girls. “Hey, I’m Carver; you are the new staff, Prima and Avoka?” The two girls answered with yes. Carver asked, “Do you already have a company ID card?” The two girls shake their heads. Of course, they had not been given a company ID card yet. Carver replied, “Yes, that’s what I thought. Then we have to go to the Freeman house now; they will take pictures for making a corporate card like mine and you will get a temporary card which will be valid until the end of this week.” The security guy at Freeman house takes some photographs. Prima quickly takes off her jacket, brushing her hair, and puts on some red lipstick while Avoka simply flashed a smile at the camera with her from the wind tousled hair. Carver rushes, “We have to go back; we have to be present for the 10 o’clock online introduction. This takes place only once a week, otherwise, you are not allowed to be in the department.” The three rush back and right on time, the three are sitting in front of their Macbooks in room Bluemoon, the name of the meeting room. On their screen appear three girls sitting and waiting in a meeting room, discussing how stressing this day is, and talking about how stupid their users are, totally unaware that probably from every guru office around the world at least one person is following their conversation on screen. Carver explains, “They have this every week; all new staff from around the world have to follow this procedure and introduce themselves here online. I had that too when I started this job two months, ago.” Avoka replies, “Oh, that’s great, so where have you worked before?” Carver says, “I previously worked at Sony for the Vaio series. First I had started in the customer support and moved up to team-leader.” Avoka replies, “Oh, the Vaio, I had one of those, too.”

It takes about ten more minutes and the screen switches. A girl appears in another room on the screen introducing herself. “Hello my name is Marta, I’m the recruiting coordinator, this is our weekly world-wide introduction, with all new staff world-wide that started this week. I will give you a presentation about the basics about our company and I want each of you to introduce yourself with your name and your role here in the company. So, then we can start.” The next screen appeared starting from the east Croatia, Poland, London, Barcelona, France, Denmark, Brazil, USA and on and on around the world, followed by the presentation which started with the question, “What was the most searched word on the Internet today?” Thirty minutes later the introduction is finished. Carver brings the two girls downstairs in another conference room. “So here you can do your self-study with these presentations and videos that you can watch and go through the Ad Academy. So, for the next three days you will have self-study and on Friday starts your two weeks in class training. Carver also showed the kitchen and coffee machine which was all well prepared with snacks, fresh fruits, cornflakes, juices, Coke cans and more sweets. The two girls start watching the first videos. At one o’clock Carver comes down, “We are having a lunch break now, so if you want to join us?” They all walking to a nearby kiosk, buying some sandwiches and walking back to the first floor, where they all are having lunch together in the cafeteria.  Carver introduces Mario, a 25-year old, a much overweight guy from the Italian Team who will do the in-class training. He looks up, making a joke, and starts laughing while sounding like a Bart Simpson version. The guy at the window, a Spanish guy, looks up in the air, rolling his eyes, looking over to Avoka, and shakes his head. This was Herman, who originally was a programmer and who often bit his tongue to stay calm. The guy sitting opposite Prima, a French guy called George, laughs out loud then turns towards Carver asking, “When is Josh back? I get his cases, but I don’t want to do them, then I get so many negative customer reviews.” Carver replied, “Why do you get his queries? Don’t answer them. I will pass them on to the guys in Germany, then they get the negative customer stats. I will give you some from the Italian team, so we all have the same number of e-mails for all teams and everything looks nice and even.” George nodding, “Oh, good, the Italians always give good reviews.” Mario laughs again in his Bart Simpson laughing. Another guy from the Italian team joins the conversation, “Yes, the Italian customers are good, not like the Germans, who always complain about everything that we can’t change. Our customers are much more understanding and it is fun replying to them.” Prima brings in, “Oh, that’s good for me. I will work with the Italian team.” Carver says, “Yes, that’s good for you. The Germans are difficult; it’s good to get rid of them. Let the other team bother with it, not us, then we have better customer stats. Patrick is starting giving us percentage goals to achieve 90% customer stats.” Avoka takes a deep breath, she couldn’t believe what kind of conversation this was, asking herself why did she even expect anything else? This was just another one of those customer service centers as they were typical here in Ireland. Okay, this division explicitly was much more relaxed than other call centers, but the nature of it was the same, and of course they would work to the same principles as all others like Apple, Yahoo, and Amazon, who were all known for their ridiculous goal setting and  personnel strategies, whereas here it seemed like a kindergarten for big kids who could play within their playpen and were well fed with sweets, free drinks and plenty of “game” time. It reminded Avoka of her breaks in earlier jobs when they would hand out those popular “surprise eggs” that contained little construction games for kids to be built together with the favorite slogan “surprise – excitement – fun”. And when the kids couldn’t build the job together they would run to their mama or papa and they do it for them.  Right after lunch they had a so-called “shadowing session”, which meant they would sit next to one of the “Analysts”, watching them answering or handling the customer queries. And yes, the way they handled the customer queries followed exactly that surprise egg principle. Mario was checking every possibility if the client had made any mistake that would be against the customer policy. While they meanwhile had found out what the customer’s real problem was, he chose to reply the customer what he did wrong that would not be in line with the customer policy and there was nothing he could do for him. Avoka looked at Prima, who only flashed a smile then asked for a cigarette break. Avoka moved on to shadow Roberto, another guy from the Italian team, who was sitting quietly at the window. Roberto was explaining that he was waiting on a response mail from India. Roberto said, “We always have to send our emails that we send out to the clients to India. They check our answers and most often they make some silly changes like we have to answer more politely or something of that kind before we can finally send the response to the client.” Avoka looked with big rolling eyes at Roberto. He flashed a grinning smile, “Yes, and when it’s an A ranked customer the Indian answer has to be sent to the key account manager in the country and then passed on to the client. And for each email, we send, we have to fill this form here, with all these questions to be answered.” Avoka stared at the form, which was asking questions like ‘What is the customer’s problem’, ‘what is the resolution’, ‘was his question solved’, did you acknowledge’, ‘assure the client’, ‘did you pick the client up’ and so on. The answer also had to be copied and certain points, were copy-pasted about three times in the same document. Roberto said, “Ah, here this is the answer we have to send to the customer, now.” The Indian guy’s head appeared in the little chat window with an “Ok, but make these changes.” Roberto now reads out loud the final answer, “Dear Joey, we are aware of the reporting figures not matching your count and can understand your confusion, I would wonder the same. This issue is well known and our engineering team is well aware of the problem but unfortunately, at this point, we can provide only the given metrics. We will inform you on future options as soon as they become available. I hope this answer will help you…” Roberto smiles at Avoka. “Yes, this is the answer that had to go through India and the country’s account manager and that’s the way they want it to be written.” Avoka took a deep breath then sat back on the chair thinking, Wow, that’s going to be the job here, and they do like 3-5 emails of that kind for a day, that’s the job! Prima returned from her cigarette break. Carver came up, “Okay girls, you can go downstairs now, starting your afternoon self- study class. I will come down later on before you can leave.” The two girls went down, starting the digital academy session. Prima was even more impressed than Avoka was but for her, the whole topics were new as originally, she worked as a translator. But Carver had decided that she should become an Analyst, despite she had no background in Internet, ad-serving, search engines or any other technical or programming background. Avoka felt somehow like watching the totally, wrong movie. But it seemed that’s the way they worked it.

Read the whole story – ebook available here on Kindle Amazon i-Land – A double Irish and a Dutch

books · Latest · Reading · short-stories

Arrival at Lower Baggot Street

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from the book i-Land – A Double Irish & a Dutch – Chapter II – Arrival at Lower Baggot Street

Tuesday morning everything is ready, set and she takes off on her way to Dublin. After a half hour drive with the bus from the Airport Avoka arrives at Lower Baggot Street and walks the road along towards 99 Baggot Street where she has rented an apartment. It’s a small room with a kitchen and small bedroom. She has rented the room for seven days, and then she needs to have found her own apartment. So, she immediately starts looking at, the Internet site everyone recommends for searching flats. She also lets the guy from the Indian outsource company as well as the guy from the agency know that she’s arrived in Dublin now and also asks for her detailed starting date and the exact address, as that still has not been provided yet. The agency guy replies how pleased he is and immediately sends some links where Avoka has to fill in some information for the personnel department but also data safety sheets and so on. Like always the links didn’t work and the agency guy asked for new links. While Avoka fills out the link the saving process stops and crashes and the whole mask looks more like it has been programmed very poorly. So, it takes ages to fill out the whole thing and Avoka already has a nose full and hopes this kind of disorganization won’t continue.

As the receptionist from the apartment has recommended, Avoka goes out to the supermarket down the road for shopping. She gets some drinks and breakfast stuff. On her way back, she eats at the Chinese next to the apartment, one of those restaurants in the basement. That’s how this whole street looks like, a typical traditional road with houses in brick and stone built around the 19th century or earlier with apartments, offices, little shops and restaurants. At 11 pm she’s tired and returns to her apartment. Meanwhile she has received some confirmations for viewing apartments for the following day. She takes a shower in this little after build-in shower cabinet called bathroom and finally lies down in the bed. Opposite the apartment are construction works for a new hotel. Avoka thinks, Well, that’s why the apartment was free or that special price of 400 € a week. An apartment with construction work in the middle of the night and she hopes that this will then be the only noise she hears throughout the night. And there is the sms sound on her phone–Hunt! Wishing lovely dreams, a good night and lots of kisses. Avoka is not really pleased about the message as he had given the impression that he did not really want to meet her in real life and she had said that she wasn’t interested in being a Whatsapp fantasy or that kind of thing. On one of the messages during the previous week she had sent a picture stating Dream it, wish it, do it. His reply was to tick “wish it” and “dream it” but for “do it” he had written ‘don’t know’. In addition, his messages had been very rare except from a phone conversation where he had explained one of his most struggling times when he had “accidentally” had his “dick broken”. Not something Avoka would have asked to know. Not really. And now again he would continue just as before with his good night and good morning messages. Avoka was disappointed that when he had the chance to meet her he distanced and now that she was out of reach he continued the same thing. She wrote back, “Well, you love me from a distance, don’t you?” followed by a “good night”. A conversation started and he sent back a picture with a couple standing at the beach breaking up and a flash. The discussion continued he asked why she was so upset about him; he hadn’t done anything different than before. Avoka explained which impression she had and she found these kissing, loving couple pictures not really appropriate when he wasn’t interested and when he was interested in her she did not understand why he avoided meeting her. At the end of the day they found peace again but Avoka did not really understand what this whole thing was about. Why didn’t he send all those Whatsapp messages to the woman he met in real, instead to her!

The next morning the weather looked friendly, which was unusual for Dublin, and Avoka started this sunny day with a breakfast in one of the coffee shops along Lower Baggot Street. She took a picture of her croissant and coffee including the view though the big shop window, capturing the morning business of lower Baggot Street and sending it with a beautiful morning wish to Hunt who instantly replied how this street reminded him of his time in England and how he loved this, following with a kiss and wishing a successful day. Avoka smiled, lifting up her eyes from the display, looking out of the shop window and then turning her head to the right. The guy next to her looked at her and then commented, “Oh, it’s a beautiful day, today, isn’t it?” Avoka replied, “Yes, I’m surprised. People always say the weather was so bad here but this really looks like summer.” The guy nods and replies, “Yes, what people say, and what’s real is not always the same isn’t it? Where are you from?” Avoka replies, “I’m from Germany. I just moved here. I’m starting to work for one of those Internet companies who are based here in Dublin and I have one week now for finding a flat.” The guy replies, “I’m Tim, nice to meet you. Oh, that’s interesting. I’ve got a friend who just moved to Germany. I can ask her; maybe she knows someone who rents a flat here. I’ll just write her an email if you like, I put your email in the “cc” so she can reply to you straight away, if that’s okay for you? I know how insane the housing business is here, especially in Dublin.” Avoka enters her email into his smartphone straight into the “cc” field. This guy is really friendly, actually, compared to the Irish people she had met in Cork, who were rather unfriendly and never wanted to know anything and never had a right answer when for example Avoka had asked for directions like where the post office was or any other queries. She also introduced herself and the guy told that he was presently working on a new company and was about to launch a card similar to a credit card but actually not for people to spend money but save money. He explained how people use credit cards and this card would allow people to save money. It would work like this: Every time they made a purchase they could decide if they would like to round up and put the difference in their saving account, an idea that probably would animate people who loved shopping to make savings. He also explained that he was looking for a good finance person. Avoka explained that her new job now was in online advertising, something that would be very interesting to get some insights in and probably a good way for him to reach his audience. So they also exchanged numbers. Tim was saying, “You are a very clever person; you immediately grasp the concept and think a step further. I’m originally a mathematician; that was my field of study but I like this creative part creating an innovative company, that’s what really excites me.” Avoka was impressed and they kept the conversation going. He explained he was stuck with business plan and needed a really, tough financial guy which was hard to get. She suggested Tim why he would not go for one of those financial companies who could do the job for him. He liked her idea and Avoka looked for one of the top financial companies here in Ireland who were involved in that kind of business consulting. One of them was actually based in Cork that matched all relevant criteria. Tim immediately called the company and got involved in a discussion for more than the next thirty minutes. Avoka continued to look for available flats. At eleven o’clock she had to leave to catch one of her viewing appointments. She tapped at Tim’s shoulder and they agreed to stay in contact.

An hour later Avoka had had her first viewing in the South of the city and could not have been more disappointed. From the outside, it looked nice in one of those areas with old town houses in a very nice street. In front were already about twenty people waiting when the viewing started. The apartment was on the ground floor, a bedsit with a small bathroom, a kitchen row, which was so dirty that no one ever would use it for cooking, a bed and with the five people inside the room was more than full. There was hardly any space to move around. Everyone entering the room with excitement and great expectation immediately turned his face frowning, rolling their eyes, not positively surprised that someone really offered something shabby like this for a price of over seven hundred euro. The room might had a size of twelve square meters. One guy asked the real estate agent what the size of the room was and he immediately answered, “About twenty-five”. One of the viewers was just rolling his eyes again and answering, “No, never, maybe half of it.” This was ridiculous if one would calculate the square meter price this probably came up to seventy euro per square meter for a flat that looked like trash. No one signed up for taking this thing any further.

Avoka had about two hours for her next viewing on the other side of the city, the North Circular Road. This time she would best go with no expectation at all. That was the best attitude here.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   

Finally arrived at the North Circular Road, Avoka walked up from road number 210 towards 236 a typical Dublin road with Victorian terrace houses. Usually, she liked the houses with those colored doors. But with increasing numbers, the niveau of the area was decreasing. Number 236 had an open door, one in blue. Avoka walked up the stairs and the real estate agent welcomed her immediately and led towards the basement. The two walked through the cellar, the agent saying, “Here can be stored stuff, for example, your suitcases or bike. This flat is in the basement; we redecorated this part. I know it’s not so friendly walking through the basement to get to your home but have a look here.” He opened the door and the room was one long tube with a long window front; at the end of the room was the bathroom. The view was into the backyard which was not really taken care of and any of the other occupants would walk by. It also seemed to be very difficult to be heated and that was a really, important part here in Dublin. It was nicely decorated but for Avoka this was a no-go; she had the feeling that after staying for an hour in this flat she would feel like the ceiling was coming down, not a comfortable place for her and certainly not for that amount of money, of 900 €. The agent kept on talking how he had made his first money with a construction job in Germany and didn’t want to stop. So Avoka simply explained she was not interested. She was speechless what people offered here for that amount of money, they were asking, and she was wondering, if she would find anything appropriate at all. Checking for hotels was a similar devastating act; the prices started with 80 €/night for hostels and very popular was to offer hostel dorms, where people would stay with up to 12 people in one room. Avoka could not imagine staying with absolute foreign people in a room at night and wondered who would go for that, especially when you have all your luggage with you, including all important documents and other personal valuable belongings like you do when you move to another country. She came back to her apartment, frustrated and worrying that she might not find a permanent accommodation. She had three more days left. She wrote to the agent who had arranged the transfer about the flat situation, who came back with the hostel suggestion that this would be a great place to stay. Avoka only shook her head, thinking, sleeping with 12 people in one room, a great place to stay. No way!  Again, she was going through this popular with all those offers but when you call they would always tell you the flat had already been taken. She found one new offer which looked really appealing. A room in a nice Victorian house styled with a light blue sofa and dark wooden furniture, newly decorated. She called the guy, who said the viewing would be on Saturday 1300 o’clock and Avoka agreed. Tired and frustrated, she went to bed and as every night a good night message and a kiss popped up from Hunt. She somehow got upset that now that she was in Ireland again, Hunt took up this daily communication per Whatsapp but when he had the chance to meet her he kept it low. So she wrote back asking why he kept sending her those messages if he didn’t want to see her. Again, he replied with a picture showing a couple in despair. He also wrote, “Oh, I see you are out of sorts with me.” Avoka replied with a yes. And she tried to explain to him that she did not like that kind of communication when he had no intention to meet her. And this whole thing went on for another thirty minutes till they finally had agreed to a good night with a sweet kiss. But Avoka was thinking, when he prefers to see others, then, why the hell, he doesn’t write those messages with them. She really, only liked to write those messages and exchange her thoughts with someone who really cared and would also like to meet her in real life. She did not need that kind of thing.

Saturday morning, Avoka has filled another form for the Indian company and signs that she accepts all the differences made offered to the employees that are employed directly with the Internet guru she was going to work for and the employees that were coming from a third party, as she was the second kind of employee. She also filled some employee information on the Indian company site that she now is employed with and it takes ages. The loading time takes so long and when saving it often crashes and needs to reload again. Frustrated and turned off she thinks, Oh my God, in what old fashioned way is this application programmed and this is the company giving technical support? Like the shoemaker always wearing the worst shoes himself. Finally finished, she gets out of her apartment, going for a coffee at Nero’s, her favorite coffee shop here in Dublin. She also takes a Belgian twist for breakfast, then checks again for flats. But nothing new is coming up or at least nothing anyone would like to pay for. She sends a picture of her breakfast to Hunt, wishing him a good morning and he replies with a kiss, wishing her good luck for the flat. Avoka still has time before taking the bus to her flat viewing and walks down the road towards a cash machine to get money for the bus, when one of the guys from the corner office tells her that today the busses are all on strike. Avoka asks, “Seriously?” The guy answers, “Yes, it’s unbelievable but there is not one bus going from here.” Avoka, surprised, takes the money from the cash machine for one of the taxis. On her way through the city they drive through the areas with all those brick houses. She asks the driver about the area around Phonix Park Phibsborough, “How is this area, is it a good living area?” The driver replies, “Well, yes, the part here is okay for living, there are many families living around the area; farther down the road it becomes less nice to live in.” They arrive at the little dead end road and Avoka gets off. The houses look nice and are also built in the Victorian style. Avoka walks towards number 6 where people are working in the front yard. She is half an hour earlier than originally appointed. A guy standing in the corridor waves her in, calling, “It’s okay she come in I will show the rooms.” Everything looks really new refurnished, beautifully white walls and lovely decorated rooms. The guy, Michael, starts with the flat on the top floor for viewing, a lovely two bedroom-flat and Avoka is surprised how they really made the optimum with those flats, as it probably wasn’t easy to build well-refurnished flats in such an old building. All flats are decorated with a white Ikea kitchen, a dark wooden floor and also modern cupboards and a comfortable, modern light-blue sofa that can be turned into a bed. The top floor and the ground floor flat include those beautiful rounded glass fronts. Avoka was now thinking about the top floor, which was a two bedroom flat, and the flat on the second floor, one for 900 Euro, the other for 700 Euro. Avoka is thinking about the heating costs, as they all were equipped with electric heating and as she did not know how things would go on she thinks to keep the fixed cost as low as possible would be better for now. She could go for a proper flat later on when everything has been settled. So, she agrees to the flat on the second floor. At 1245 more interests join the viewing and within five minutes all flats are gone. Avoka is happy about the room despite it is a very small room but it is nicely refurnished, everything was working and new and in a good quality. Still, it was much money for a room of this size but the condition was worth it and she was relaxed now that she had found somewhere to stay at least.

Read the whole story on Amazon Kindle, get the ebook I-land: a double Irish and a Dutch here.