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Dining, Delights & Sunrise

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Friday night, Nyssa stood in front of the mirror, contemplating her outfit for her dinner with Zillion. She wore a short dress paired with boots that reached just below the knee. After their spontaneous breakfast earlier in the week, Zillion had asked her out, and she had agreed. Giving herself one last look in the mirror, she decided her ensemble was just right.

Zillion picked up Nyssa, and they began their drive along the road that stretched between the two cities east of Frankfurt, nestled along the banks of the River Main. As they approached Oberrad, shortly before the Kaiserlei district of Offenbach, their destination came into view—the Gerbermühle.

Steeped in centuries of tales, the Gerbermühle was a place where poetry was woven into the fabric of its existence, and even the great Goethe himself had once been a guest.

The Gerbermühle, a mill with a rich history dating back to the 14th century, has long been recognised as a symbol of tradition and heritage. When the von Ovenbach family was granted a fief, a unique succession law was established. The female offspring would inherit the mill, enabling them to lead independent and graceful lives, even when unmarried.

Over time, it had become a place where history and romance merged, particularly during Goethe’s encounter with Marianne van Willemer. Their connection had been intense and inspiring, leaving a lasting mark on the place.

Marianne’s poetic words found their way into Goethe’s own works, specifically the illustrious Suleika section of the West-Eastern Diwan. It is whispered that the immortal words, “Hier bin ich, hier kann ich sein” (“Here I am Man, here dare it to be”), were born from the very air Goethe breathed during their strolls through the fields and gardens surrounding Frankfurt’s Mühlberg and Offenbach, with the Gerbermühle nestled in between.

For Nyssa, this was more than a story; it was her very heartbeat. This place’s history, steeped in love and creativity, held a special place in her heart.

Zillion and Nyssa found themselves in a cosy haven, surrounded by an atmosphere of exclusivity, with a view that spilled into the beautiful garden by the river.

Their evening began with the cheering of champagne glasses, setting the stage for their own love story, just as timeless as the place they sat in.

“It’s a pleasure to see you again.” Zillion smiled, his eyes lighting up.

 Nyssa leaned in, a playful sparkle in her eyes. “So, Zillion, you just couldn’t resist a second date, could you?” Her voice carried a hint of provocation. “Or was it the food that lured you back for round two?” Zillion met her gaze, savouring the moment.

“While the food is exceptional here, Nyssa, it’s not the main attraction that brought me here. It’s your captivating conversation and that brilliant mind of yours that truly drew me in.”

Nyssa blushed, for a moment, diverted by his compliment. She shifted the conversation, unable to contain her curiosity. “Speaking of attractions, you mentioned that intriguing campaign. I’m dying to know, what’s your secret client up to this time? You hinted at a European social media campaign.”

“You’ve piqued my interest, Nyssa. My secretive client is launching a groundbreaking financial app in Europe, and they believe that your social media expertise could be the missing ingredient to make it a resounding success. They’re looking to add a more… social touch, you could say.” Zillion’s eyes sparkled with enthusiasm.

“That sounds like an exciting project, Zillion. But are you certain they want to collaborate with me?” Nyssa’s curiosity continued to grow.

“Nyssa, I wouldn’t have brought it up if I weren’t confident in your abilities. You have that unique spark and creativity that could elevate this campaign to new heights. Besides, who could resist partnering with someone as captivating as you?” Zillion’s smile never wavered.

Nyssa blushed again, a slight tremor in her voice. “Well, Mr. Mysterious, you certainly know how to quicken a girl’s heartbeat. Let’s delve into the campaign over dessert, shall we?”

Zillion agreed with a confident nod and a hint of a smirk. The waiter approached with a selection of Hors d’oeuvre, breaking the spell. Nyssa couldn’t help but flash a smile that stretched from ear to ear, her eyes locked onto Zillion’s. The unspoken tension between them hung in the air, and she found herself already hypnotized by his words, his eyes, and the promise of what the night held.

◆ ◆ ◆

The aroma of coffee filled the air as Nyssa took in the view of the historic town across the river, under a cloudless, crystal blue sky. The city’s skyline stood tall, illuminated by the rising sun.

 As noon approached, Zillion wrapped his arms around Nyssa’s waist, whispering, “What a beautiful day.” Nyssa sighed deeply, resting her head against his chest, acknowledging the city’s magnificence amidst its chaos.

“It’s remarkable that this lively city offers both vibrancy and drive, but there are disruptions with these demonstrations. Yet, a stone’s throw away, it’s an oasis of tranquility.”

“Yes, from afar, it’s a dream, but within, the city centre is desolate, dysfunctional, and depressed,” Zillion said, handing Nyssa a cup of coffee.

“I wonder if it will ever return to its former beauty. The changes are striking, empty spaces where once sophisticated boutiques thrived,” Nyssa reflected.

“And the crowd—it’s different now, isn’t it?” Zillion lamented.

“Indeed. Remember our apprenticeship days? Thursday nights were filled with after-work parties where everyone, from fitness enthusiasts to bankers, mingled in various locations. The Living, Ebene 7, loft house, BMW house… those were the days,” Nyssa reminisced.

“Those special gatherings, Cocoon and the techno clubs, it felt like a big family. But those times seem gone. Even the traditional family-run restaurants and hotels are disappearing, replaced by fleeting establishments,” Zillion said, a touch of sentimentality in his voice.

“The city isn’t what it used to be. I avoid it now; it’s lost its charm. Not even Liebig House, once a sanctuary after gallery visits, holds the same spirit. The new old town is a mere shadow of its former self, filled with faceless shops and franchise chain-run restaurants. It’s disheartening,” Nyssa sighed.

“A tourist spot for some, an investment for others,” Zillion added knowingly.

 “What should we do with this fractured day? Perhaps visit the gallery and explore a new perspective on city development.” Nyssa suggested.

“Avoiding the city stroll might be wise, considering the Middle East demos this afternoon. But a walk by the river to the Städel Art Gallery for the exhibition on current city development sounds great,” Zillion proposed.

Nyssa agreed, realising it had been a while since her last visit to the gallery. The idea of exploring the city’s evolution through art seemed like a promising venture.

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Defiance in the Classroom: Sam Takes On School Policies Head-On

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On the opposite bank of the river, Sam strode alongside her two children, 7- year-old Olivia and 11-year-old Marlon, en route to their school. The past six months had seen the institution implement progressive policies regarding self-expression for the kids. Sam found herself questioning reality when, a few months back, her young daughter Olivia had innocently queried her gender. The revelation had come out of nowhere, and Olivia had attributed it to her teacher’s unconventional viewpoint: “Why do I have to be a girl, Mom? My teacher said I don’t have to be if I don’t want to.”

The coffee cup Sam clutched slipped from her grasp and shattered on the marble floor. Hot coffee splattered in all directions. “She said what?” Sam gasped, her eyes wide with incredulity. “Your teacher said what? You’re not a girl?” She was bewildered by the audacity of her daughter’s statement, which wasn’t even framed as a question.

Marlon, Sam’s older son, spoke up, trying to shed light on the situation. He described a recent school assembly held in the gymnasium, where they had viewed videos showcasing children from various backgrounds and genders. Boys confidently donning skirts and sporting braided hair, while girls fearlessly challenging traditional gender roles. The gathering featured well- known musicians and celebrities, with some donning attire that challenged traditional gender norms. The children had been exposed to contemporary stories, and at the conclusion of the session, they were encouraged to reflect on their personal sense of self. The message was clear: they had the power to choose, to be who they wanted to be.

Initially, Sam dismissed it as a prank, but conversations with other parents revealed this was no joke. The school had adopted a comprehensive program, including classes where kids explored role-playing and fluid gender expression. Even the restrooms were now gender-neutral. Sam couldn’t wrap her head around it, the idea of parents actively participating in transforming their children’s gender identity. She had confided in her husband, Jamie, wondering if this was an isolated school’s quirk. Yet, to her astonishment, it turned out to be a wider societal trend.

She contemplated transferring her children out of the public school, but soon realized this progressive stance was prevalent across other institutions.

Concerned parents, like herself, had come together, forming a coalition to navigate these uncharted waters. That morning, after dropping the kids off, she had a meeting with a lawyer to discuss their options.

Before parting ways, she kissed her children goodbye, imparting her customary wisdom, “Don’t let your teachers’ unconventional views cloud your judgment. If anything seems amiss, call me, and I’ll be right there. I’d rather pull you out of that school than subject you to such nonsense.”

◆ ◆ ◆

Sam sat across from her lawyer, Mark Anderson, in his sleek downtown office. The morning sun cast a warm glow on the polished mahogany desk as Sam explained her concerns.

“Mr. Anderson, it’s been a whirlwind trying to grasp what’s happening at our kids’ school. They’re pushing this gender fluidity narrative, and it feels like it’s sweeping across the entire education system.” Sam explained.

“I understand your concerns, Sam. These issues can be complex and sensitive, especially when it comes to children. Can you tell me more about your specific worries?” Mark Anderson nodded thoughtfully. Sam paused.

“Well, I want my kids to have a well-rounded education, but it feels like they’re pushing them into something they might not be ready for. And what if they make choices they later regret? Plus, there’s this whole restroom situation. It’s… unconventional, to say the least.”

“Those are valid concerns, Sam. We need to consider the best interests of your children while respecting the school’s right to implement its policies. However, it’s crucial that we ensure the policies are in line with the law and don’t infringe on your rights as a parent.”

◆ ◆ ◆

Later, at a meeting with other concerned parents in a cozy community center, Sam shared her experience and anxieties.

“Sam, you’re not alone in this.” One of the other parents responded. “I’ve noticed the same thing at my children’s school. It’s as if they’re trying to change everything we thought we knew about education.” Another parent frowned.

“I thought I was alone in this battle. It’s heartbreaking to see my children grappling with these ideas, questioning their identity, at such a young age.”

“We’ve got to stand up for our children.” One of the other parents suggested. “ It’s one thing to promote tolerance and understanding, but what’s happening at these schools feels like an overreach.”

“I agree.” Sam determined. “We need to work together, explore our options, and ensure our kids receive an education that respects their individuality while maintaining the values we hold dear. Our children’s well-being is at stake.”

“It’s time to take action, for our kids and for the values we believe in.” Jack agreed. “We can’t let this go on unchecked.”

The group of parents nodded in agreement, a shared resolve to navigate this challenging terrain together, with the welfare of their children as their primary concern.

Together they called Mark Anderson the lawyer over phone conference.

Mark Anderson responded.

“I’ve been pondering our situation, and I believe we have an avenue to address your concerns, Sam. Given the circumstances, we might consider a few potential steps.”

“Please, tell us more, Mr. Anderson.” Sam was eager to explore options.

“One option is to engage in open dialogue with the school administration, seeking clarification about their policies and how they are implemented. If there’s room for compromise or adjustments, it might be worth pursuing that route.”

“That sounds reasonable. Maybe they’re open to hearing our concerns and making some modifications.” One of the parents replied.

“Additionally, we can look into the legal aspects of this issue, ensuring that the school’s policies comply with state and federal regulations. If we find any discrepancies, we can address them through legal channels.”

“A legal approach could be the way to go if they’re unwilling to cooperate or if their policies are legally questionable.” Jack threw in.

“We should also remember that parental rights are a fundamental aspect of education in this country. We might want to explore forming a parents’ association or seeking support from organizations that advocate for parental rights in education.”

“Mr. Anderson, your insights provide a clear path forward. It’s reassuring to know that there are steps we can take to address this issue and protect our children’s well-being.” Sam was a bit more hopefully, now.

“Let’s start by opening a line of communication with the school and see how receptive they are to our concerns.” One of the parents determined. “If that doesn’t yield results, we’ll consider the legal options you’ve mentioned.”

The parents left the meeting with a renewed sense of purpose, knowing that they had a plan of action and a lawyer who would guide them through the process of addressing their concerns with their children’s school.

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UNCONVENTIONAL ALLIANCES – Nyssa’s hometown reunion

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Taking a break from her hectic schedule, Nyssa decided to spend the weekend at her family’s suburban home, just a short drive from her current residence near Frankfurt. She decided to take a nostalgic journey, driving over to Rumpenheim Castle, a historic gem that once hosted European nobility. Originally built in 1680 as a manor house with gardens, Rumpenheim Castle underwent later extensions and became a renowned meeting place for European nobility. The history of the Offenbach city reveals that old Friedrich stated in his will that all children should use the castle, resulting in relatives from all over Europe visiting. Prominent visitors included Queen Mary, the English grandmother of Elisabeth II, King Georg I of Greece, Russian Tsar Alexander III, Austrian Emperor Franz Joseph I, and Prussian Bundestag delegate Bismarck. Now the place is divided into family homes and an open area, with the garden serving as a public park.

Nyssa crossed the river by a small ferry and drove along the country road, passing another castle, Wilhelmsbad, which also boasts a historic park she often visited with her parents as a child.

A place steeped in history and intrigue. It all began with the chance discovery of a hidden spring in the depths of a forest by two herbalists in 1709. At the time they did not know that this bubbling water would soon be revered for its healing properties, earning the name “good well” and drawing visitors from afar. From this humble beginning, the magnificent Wellness- and Bath Estate of Wilhelmsbad was born.

Wilhelmsbad Castle, steeped in history and mystery, captivated Nyssa with its enchanting tales of hidden springs and grandeur. From the Brunnentempel to the mystical Eremitage, every corner of the estate held a story waiting to be discovered. Nyssa stopped by to take a strole through the park. She couldn’t help but marvel at the timeless elegance and natural beauty that surrounded her.

Wilhelmsbad’s emergence as one of Germany’s most elegant and esteemed bathing resorts was inevitable. Notables such as Freiherr von Knigge and Frau Rat Goethe, accompanied by her renowned son Johann Wolfgang, graced its grounds. Its golden era reached its zenith in September 1818, when the monarchs of the Holy Alliance – Emperor Franz II of Austria, Tsar Alexander I of Russia, and King Friedrich Wilhelm III of Prussia – made their regal presence felt.

Today, Wilhelmsbad continues to enchant visitors with its magnificent display of trees and the timeless elegance of its historic Spa building.

Whether bathed in the gentle hues of spring, ablaze with the colors of autumn, or dusted by the soft snowflakes of winter, Wilhelmsbad remains irresistible. Another place for Nyssa that remains a cherished haven, offering respite, wonder, and a gateway to a bygone era filled with splendor and charm.

◆ ◆ ◆

Arrived at her parents home, Nyssa spent the afternoon basking in the warm sun with her family and familiar faces from her neighborhood, reminiscent of the old days. They gathered around the round table, each person contributing a drink or snack, and engaged in lively conversation. It was as if time had stood still, and Nyssa found comfort in the familiarity of the scene.

The neighbors’ children, with whom Nyssa had grown up visiting, also joined in, bringing with them a touch of nostalgia. They had scattered to different corners of the world, some residing in Sweden, Denmark, Switzerland, and various regions across Germany. Each had ventured far from their hometown, at least for a while, chasing dreams and opportunities.

Luka, having dedicated several years to overseeing servers for a renowned internet company in Denmark, found himself pondering yet another potential move. He reflected on how the prevailing zeitgeist demanded speed and cost-efficiency at his present construction site. Additionally, he expressed his observations about the declining social decorum, lamenting the prevalence of theft and dishonesty among people.

Kay, a schoolteacher at a prestigious Gymnasium, found herself entangled in a custody dispute with the father of her youngest child. Her heart longed for the simplicity of small-town life, but legal constraints held her in her current city.

As the afternoon unfolded, it became evident that everyone had their own set of challenges. Some grappled with custody battles, while others juggled the demands of parenting, especially when faced with the wits of their precocious five-year-old twins. There were those who navigated the intricate maze of ever-changing laws and the mounting costs of running their businesses as entrepreneurs.

In the midst of it all, a collective realization struck them. They reflected on how the struggles of their time were unique, yet they were all in the same boat, navigating the turbulent waters of life. They knew that finding a way to overcome their challenges without sacrificing the joy of living was paramount.

Looking back, they acknowledged that the struggles of the past generations had been different, but struggles were an enduring aspect of the human journey. They understood that what appeared effortless in history books had been hard-won through battles, determination, and resilience. Those who left their mark on the pages of history had fought for their place, and it was a testament to the human spirit’s indomitable will to triumph over adversity.

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Sachsenhäuser Berg, in the mid-90s, buzzed with life atop the grounds of Henninger Bräu. The air was electric with the pulse of a massive party, and the stage was ablaze with D-Flame, passionately rapping about another day. The crowd undulated as one entity, their hands rising in synchronized waves to the rhythm, swaying to the left, right, and converging back to the center. Amid this sea of motion, Nyssa stood, hands raised, a bittersweet smile gracing her lips. D-Flame’s remarks flowed toward the exuberant throng, showering compliments on their moves and expressing his fascination with their collective energy. Henninger Bräu, once a renowned brewery, had recently shuttered its doors, the site now claimed by an investor. That vibrant night was the last memory Nyssa carried from Germany before her overseas journey.

Nearly three decades on, Nyssa reclined on a sun lounger at the rooftop pool of the Finesse Club, the same spot where the unforgettable party had ignited. She gazed back across time, reminiscing about the spirited years that had elapsed. This had become her customary Sunday ritual, joining friends at the pool. Among them were James, whose anecdotes about insurance cases were both outrageous and fascinating; and his boyfriend. Sam, a friend who managed to make appearances whenever her children’s schedules permitted, added to the camaraderie. Nyssa and Sam had both returned to Frankfurt, their city of origin, the same year, only to be welcomed by the onset of a pandemic.

On this occasion, Kim, one of Nyssa’s close friends, soaked in the Jacuzzi alongside Zillion, whose presence exuded an air of effortless coolness. Dark sunglasses rested atop his head, accentuating his sharp features and stylish attire. With a confident demeanor and laid-back charm, he effortlessly captivated attention, adding to the magnetic allure of the rooftop scene.

Sam now resided in an upscale building on a small island along the Main River’s southwest, while Nyssa occupied a cozy apartment in a suburban complex managed by an associate of her father. Though not entirely pleased with the arrangement, Nyssa had managed to iron out some issues. Despite those challenges, after Nyssa’s redecoration the apartment boasted an air of exclusivity.

Nyssa surveyed the transformations the city had undergone, both Frankfurt and its neighbor, Offenbach. Frankfurt, long known for its financial prowess, had seen considerable changes, while Offenbach, once aspiring to cultivate a creative atmosphere, had faced some setbacks.

“Remember when the new Esprit shop opened at the corner?” Nyssa reminisced. “They had a great opening at the time. I remember their PR activities with their cosmetic line ‘Earth.’ Do you, Kim?”

“Yeah, this is now an outlet store,” Kim replied with a hint of nostalgia. “And where Astrid had her Atelier and boutique, you will find a 1 Euro shop and Tariq’s Imbiss.”

Nyssa chuckled and added, “Yeah, and the hairdresser Emotion where I used to go is now a barber shop.”

Zillion chimed in, “The only place that remained is the Wilhelms Plaza with the weekly market and the cafés and bars, like the brasserie, Meets, and Tafelspitz. That atmosphere is still there.”

Nyssa pondered how far removed the landscape had become from her youth. She recalled the city’s dynamic at odds with her memories, both cities gradually losing their initial charm. Her contemplations carried her away to distant times, where a blend of rich history and evolving present cast a captivating spell.

And as it was, these two cities had an ongoing feud, with residents complaining about the once creatively vibrant city now reduced to a social pool. Meanwhile, the city that had once stood as a symbol of financial strength and birthed Germany’s world-famous writer Goethe had transformed into a multifaceted urban landscape, criticized by many as lacking a soul.

During Goethe’s time, Offenbach had already gained recognition as one of the most liberal cities and had been referred to as Frankfurt’s garden due to its lush gardens and opulent residences. Goethe himself once remarked, ‘Stepping in front of the house in the morning here in Offenbach, you are breathing the most liberal air, and the city falls in line with Frankfurt in terms of its beautiful gardens and stunning architecture.’

Times had indeed changed. The once rich and beautiful cities, brimming with status, had now acquired reputations as social flashpoints. Offenbach was no exception, standing alongside Frankfurt as a city with videos occasionally circulating on social media, accompanied by comments like ‘Is this Calcutta?’ But in the present moment, high above Sachsenhäuser Berg, with feet dipped in the pool’s refreshing waters, the group of friends could breathe freely. They looked out over the city’s current burdens and allowed themselves to revel in the pleasures of the night.

Get your copy CITY CADENCE here, on Amazon Kindle or Apple iBooks.